Will this feral cat go in the cat house I made to keep it warm?


New member
Sep 11, 2008
well basically i have a total inside cat myself and the Feral cat always comes up to our window and i see it alot, i think its a girl. and its winter time now and sometimes ill go out and throw a bit of cat food in an area for it but now I just randomly thought Id make a cat house out of a cardboard box and some clothes i dont use for it to lay on and i just wrapped the whole box with a thick Lil blanket. its only a feral cat and its NOT MINE. I just figured anything could help it be warm.

i put some food in front of it, do you think it will go in ?
i also put it in the corner of my house right outside the garage, i probably shouldnt of put it so close to our house but its whateva lol
NO. people who say yes don't know anything about cats. i tried this with 4 different cats. they most likely will just stand in front of the house. even with food the cat will just stand there looking at it, he could step in but the most he will do is go back out.