Will the election of either Clinton or Obama vastly improve the State of the Union?



After watching last night's coverage of the State of the Union Address, and watching the responses of individuals on both sides of the House, there seemed to be a goodish amount of non-applauders, a few who looked disgruntled, and even some outright dismay/disbelief on Bush's expectations for issues Congress had before them. Obama looked p.'ed off, and Clinton looked like she'd been forced to watch a lousy movie with no chance of a refund. Even Ms. Rice looked like she'd eaten something that disagreed with her.
So, if either Clinton or Obama wins the Presidency, can common sense prevail for the betterment of all Americans? As a Canadian, I can tell you that I'd like to see one of these two win, if only to shake some sense into the those who are denying the existence of a 'glass ceiling' for women and those who are of parentage other than WASP.

Later Daze! =)