Wight lifting and workout routines/exercise?


New member
Feb 19, 2009
Okay, I have a few questions but first here is my workout routine.

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday: Weight lift (arms and legs)
Thursday: Dance classes
Saturday & Sunday: Rest

I walk on random days whenever I feel like it but it's probably about a mile. I have no special diets or anything, I am 18 and about 5'8" & I weigh around 145 but it's all muscle. I am thin/toned.

I am wondering:

1. I heard that weight lifting everyday is bad because it doesn't give your muscles time to heal so should I be working out every other day? Like Pilate's, cardio or stretching?

2. Are there any certain diets I should be on to promote muscle tone and definition? Are there any benefits to dieting with exercise?

3. I am right handed but my right bicep is noticeably smaller than my left. What should I do to catch it up with my other?

Right now I am thinking I should be doing a workout dvd every other day instead of weight lifting everyday. I'm not quite sure if there is anything I am doing wrong or can improve on. Can you recommend a workout schedule and any good workout dvds? I am not trying to bulk up just stay fit.

Thanks for your time!
Also lighter or heavier weights and how many reps?

Thanks again.