Why is the martial arts world the way it is now?


New member
Feb 24, 2009
I mean look at us. think of EVERYTHING you see in this community.
Over here you see a guy hating Traditional Martial Arts cause UFC was invited. and the "sport" MMA. even though its called a sport cause that's what people want to call it. and think it has no other purpose. its whatever we call it seriously

then over there you see a guy wanting to know how to kill people with techniques, even though he dont realize that Killing isn't as easy as it seems, its mentally painful. ( depending on the type of person you are) then people calling him a idiot, when the whole going to jail line happens we all going to die, so we might as well live it up they say. and, my only concern really is that will he be able to live with the choice he made. THATS the key. are you able to live with yourself knowing you killed someone, or you broke someones arm or leg and messed up their life. its a heavy burden to take. once it happens will you carry it? or break down

Then the annoying style vs style stuff. i mean, REALLY, is a person is a martial artist, then he should have learned the fact that no art is better than the other.

Then, while i dont want to start fights cause my life goal isnt complete yet and i dont have anything to prove to someone, i get called a idiot cause i want to know how strong i am. cause i dont want to be caught in a fight, and not know what to do since its life or death now. i just wanted to be able to be CERTAIN i can handle myself, not make random assumptions that i can, or doubt i cant.

Then why do people even ASK about anime on here? like wtf

and lastly is the biggest annoyance. Its like we want everybody to be like us personally. I mean, just think about our responses. some people read a question, then call someone a idiot, says" hope you enjoy prison" then say what they SHOULD do. while others see it, and give some tips on how to do something. i mean, what about the saying " to each his own" the guy is probabaly sure of himself that he can face the consequences of his choice, and we should just help if we are willing, not answer by insulting him.
The reason why im thinking all this, is cause I keep seeing all these views, and researcing martial arts again....i dont know whats right and wrong on how we use them. forget the law stuff, forget the morals, forget all we was taught in our TEACHERS view on martial arts. and think what do WE think its used for. I mean, i just did research and found out that: 1. the martial arts you say is JUST a sport, is actually a martial art and a sport. not just one thing. Judo is a martial art, and can be used in a olympic sport. Muay thai, the same thing a martial art AND a possible sport. and the term MMA is both a term and a sport. The term refers to a fighting style that has other techniques into it from different styles into one. basically saying that you can have your own MMA by taking what you learned from styles and making your onw unique one. The sport is well...you know XD

so guys, just think about it really. When i was being trained, i was NEVER told once to not pick fights. basically, once you are part of the gym, anything you learn from it, you take with you and do whatever you like. in that sense, if others avoided fights and such cause they was told to from the teachers, then bascially i can do whatever with it, and not feel bad. BUT i dont start fights do I? i had LOADS of times to hurt someone , but i didnt, cause i think that i shouldnt beat up people for kicks, just use it when needed. BUT i can also beat people up and not care cause i wasnt ever given a restraint, its my skills now, and i can do whatever is best.

TRY to understand the whole concept of this please? and if you are just going to try to ridcule me cause im not like you, then just stfu and please keep it moving. cause i just want people to see more OPEN, not closed up. sure, you can say im trying to start a revolution in the martial arts world, but how things are now, we need one. sure you can say that im a "kid" and needs to grow up, but you just dont want to see my view thats very interesting. call me what you want. but i know one thing, what i just said was truth, and not something im trying to make others beleive in what i do. I want people to go on one HELL of a path to what they truly want.
good day guys and ladies. have a good one