Why does she feel the need to go to a co ed gym when there are plenty of women's...


New member
Dec 15, 2010
...fitness centers around? She belongs to a co ed gym. One of her female friends invited her to join a women's only gym. She went for a free session but nothing ever came of it.
I joined the gym where she goes. I thought it was good that we could spend more time as a couple together. But one night when I showed up unexpected, she got mad when I parked my car next to her. She seems to vary her times for going to the gym instead of going at a set time. When she has told me when she was going, she assumed that I was going to work late or had other plans. When I changed my plans to meet her at the gym, last minute, instead of acting pleasantly surprised, she made several negative comments. She said she thought it seemed "a little weird" when she found out later that I had parked my car right next to hers. I drove around the parking lot not sure if she was there. When I saw her car there, I knew she was there, so I parked next to her and went in to join her for a work out.
At the gym, she often has encounters with other men. At the gym we go to, the management posts signs that you should wipe down the equipment after you use it. The only problem is that there are not wipes and spray at every bench. So you have to walk around to find the wipes and spray bottles and walk back to the bench where you last worked out. Sometimes you might find a person sneaking in to work out on a dirty bench that you haven't cleaned off yet.
For some reason, my girlfriend will have these little "accidents" with young men who are attractive. She never seems to have this "oops" with an older man, an ugly guy, or another woman. She seems to go for the machines in which other attractive guys use, does her looks around and giggles, and sure enough, some dude will "accidently" park himself on the dirty bench giggling back at her when she arrives with a wet wipe to wipe it down. Then she starts in with small talk in a flirty voice. This happens all the time.
I have found that when other couples work out, they share machines together. My GF prefers to move around different machines on her own and doesn't like to work out on machines with me.
If I try to kiss her in front of other people, she seems to be against it, as if she prefers to seem single and unattached when she goes to the gym.
Its really weird. If she asks me if I am working late, or working nights, she will tell me that she's going to the gym to work out. Then if I change my schedule and work days or I find I get my work done and don't need to stay overtime, she seems more down about that change than pleasantly surprised.
When I don't have plans of a night and I ask her if she's going to the gym she will say "when are you going? Six o'clock? I was planning on going at 4:30. That's too late for me." So she will try to go at a time when she knows that I am working.
"If you had your way, you'd see me all the time, wouldn't you?" is a question she asked me once when I made a surprise visit to see her at the gym.
She complained that her ex boyfriend, a medical intern, was too busy with his work to hardly see her at all. She said "why can't I find a happy medium?" I took it that I am the opposite extreme- the guy that would see her all the time if I could.
I really would prefer it if she would go and work out at a women's fitness center. But she might not find it as appealing as she seems to enjoy giving her eyes a work out at the coed gym looking at all the guy eye candy.
Ah-hah! I knew it. She is going to the gym to look for another man. Can't do that at the women's fitness center, can you, girls?
You are paralized with jealousy. It will never do you any good, so let it go!

EDIT: You also seem annoyingly controlling. Maybe she sees that and would like to create an avenue to avoid you. Can't say that I blame her!
You are controlling. Not an admirable quality and it will only get worse if you don't clear your head. If you can't let her be herself, you will end up alone. Women today have too much support and your actions will be noticed by others. Back off and enjoy your gf.
Leave the poor woman alone! I don't want to work out with my husband and I don't want him to go everywhere with me. If I were her I'd be looking for another man, too.
Ok she actin like she is the cheatin type of person cuz she actin like she wants all the dudes ..u need too tell her if she want too be single tell u cuz u aint for all them games if u think she tryna play tell her how u feel dont come on answer .yahoo .com if u think she wan t too be wit other ppl cut her lose u can find sumone better
She probably just wants to have a place of her own to go to. A lot of times women and men need time to be with their friends. (Absence makes the heart grow fonder.)

I don't know why she would want to use the mens gym but it could be that you guys have different equipment? Or maybe because in some way she can get more inspiration from men working out?

I wouldnt consider a gym to be a pick up place though. Most of us don't go to the gym to strip, put on skimpy little clothes to shake and contort. Shower with strange people named Petunia, drive back home in traffic smelling like Ben gay to meet that special somebody.

Sometimes we have to give our spouse a little bit of rope...to be a cowgirl.
You sound controlling and jealous and she sounds like an attention whore. I think you guys should use non-violent communication and set a medium.