Why do Western women complain so much about their men? I personally


New member
Nov 15, 2008
don't think they're that bad at all? I'm American born myself but my parents are immigrants. If my parents could have their way, they'd have me marry a suitor who looks/acts like Borat. The type of guy who wears too much cologne, gold chains that get tangled in his chest hair and pinky rings. Men from my culture come home drunk all the time and they insist on eating red meat (on the bone) for every meal. They never help out with childcare or cooking/cleaning, and they even spend their wife's money if she works. Their wives have to clean all of their clothes, iron their shirts and find their socks when they're missing. Some of them never call their wives by their name, they always say "woman". If they occasionally do something nice or buy something for their wives, they'll make a big deal out of it and say, "I spoil you too much". A lot of them gamble, are lazy and many are alcoholics. Also, 98% of them are sexist. A lot of Western men will say, "I think feminism has gone down the wrong track", but men from my culture will say, "I think it's adorable that you're a feminist". They truly believe that women are not their equals.

I don't really understand why so many Western women complain about their men all the time. Of course there are bad ones too, but they can be avoided. It's hard to avoid "bad men" from my background, because 98% of them are "bad".

(And I wonder if my contact Hildegarde Calhoun/pinky would agree with me. She comes from a similar background.)
It has nothing to do with being Muslim. Some people from my ethnic/cultural background are Orthodox Christians and they are the same way.
snufkins, good question... but women from my "country" (they don't have their own country, they live in Russia), do have equal rights in a strange way. Their husbands are difficult to live with but the wives control them like puppets, except they never let their husbands know that. You always have to "trick" your husband into thinking he made a decision, when it was you who manipulated him into doing exactly what you want him to do. You have to make him feel like he's witty and intelligent, by outwitting him and giving him some time to catch up. By the time he realizes you've outsmarted him, he's licking his wounds and he's hungry and just wants dinner. It's true that they like to be babied, but in doing that they also surrender themselves to women.
Untamed Rose, Russia is the largest country in the world, with different ethnicities living there. My background is Circassian and my family is from the North Caucasus, by Georgia. I lived in Turkey for a few years though and I suppose you could consider that the Middle East.
Why are so many of you so ethnocentric and narrow-minded? You immediately think Middle Eastern, Muslim, this that... the world doesn't revolve around Western customs and ways.
Caper, I never said women from my background are oppressed. They are not oppressed. They just have difficult, immature husbands, men who Western women wouldn't be able to handle without killing them in their sleep. And if women are ever oppressed they are usually oppressed by other women.