Why do 90% of the civil wars in the world involve one combantant-religion?


May 13, 2008
Bing/Google search “civil wars in the world” and determine where they are being fought; then research each civil war and determine who is fighting in them. The results are startling: 90% of the them involve one combatant-religion -- Islam.

Muslim extremists fight in China, Russia, Bosnia, Cyprus, Macedonia, Israel, Pakistan, India, Indonesia-Ambon & Halmarhera, Côte d'Ivoire, Kashmir, Algeria, Mauritania, Morocco, Tunisia, Sudan, Ethiopia, Kosovo, Bosnia, Kurdistan, Kirghizia, Nigeria, Philippines, Somalia, Turkey, Chechnya, Sudan, Yemen, Thailand, Uganda, Azerbaijan, Mali, Chad, Libya, Bangladesh, East Timor.

It therefore should not surprise us when we read news like this:

-3/11/10 Deutsche Presse, Thailand: Muslim separatists have caused 4,000 people to die in clashes, bombings, revenge killings and beheadings in the troubled region, which borders Malaysia. Of the 300,000 Thai Buddhists who lived in the region, 70,000 have left since Muslims started the civil war in 2004.

-8/20/10 AsiaNews, Kashmir: Extremist Muslims are demanding Sikhs convert or leave.

-10/4/11 AFP news, Philippines: Muslims are waging civil war to make a Muslim homeland in Mindanao causing the deaths of an estimated 150,000 people over more than four decades.
-9/8/11 http://tribune.com.pk/story/247877/turkistan-islamic-party-claim-role-in-china-xinjiang-attacks/, International Herald Tribune: Uighur Sheikh Abdul Damla leads jihad for a united ‘Turkistan’ which is Chinese land the Muslims want.

-12/23/12 http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/religion…: Christianity faces being wiped out of the “biblical heartlands” in the Middle East because of mounting persecution of worshippers, according to a new report.

2011 FBI Annual Report on Terrorism, http://www.nctc.gov/docs/2011_NCTC_Annual_Report_Final.pdf, page 11, Terrorist deaths caused by:
-secular/political/anarchists: 1,926
-Neo-Nazi/fascist/white supremacists: 77
-unknown: 1,519
-other: 170
-Sunni Muslim extremists: 8,886