Why are you opposed/in favor of gay marriage?


New member
May 24, 2009
My understanding of accepting this community (to marry) is that less people will feel inclined to "act" straight if they are indeed having homosexual tendecies. More people will therefore follow any feelings of homosexuality as the taboo will become the accepted. The only problem I see with this, which may sound silly to you, is if the whole world turned gay. That might be the end of the human race as we know it. God knows and understands this, which is why I believe He is against gay marriage. He didn't create man to be homosexual, he created man and woman to be together. What are your thoughts and feelings on this point-of-view? Do you have your reasons for opposition or acceptance of gay marriage?
Hypothetically spaking, people. Thank you!
I'm not making a claim that everyone WILL indeed turn homosexual. I'm asking if it makes sense in the scheme of things for people to be homosexuals. What if, HYPOTHETICALLY SPEAKING, the world DID in fact turn gay, then the human race would become extinct. It's that idea, the idea that sex is for the sole purpose of reproduction and survival of a species, that I'm trying to convey here. Which is why I believe the Catholic church and moany other churches are against it. I'm not religious, this is just an argument that I have myself come upon opposing gay marriage, which I'm not even sure if I do or not.
I'm on the fence. Although I am a minister's granddaughter, I am not so hipped on organized religion to think that God would create people who are born (or develop) homosexual tendencies and then persecute them for it through discrimination in society. If gay people are born or made, then it is a natural thing for them to be here--just as natural as heterosexuals are. There are many indications of homosexual behavior in other species besides humankind, so I'm pretty convinced it is a natural state and nothing to be ashamed of or persecuted for.

That said, the whole idea of marriage is kind of coming to an end anyway, isn't it? Most marriages end in divorce nowadays. The idea of lifelong vows is sort of a joke. I think society is moving towards contractual arrangments rather than traditional marriage. Easier to defend in court if you set out the terms in advance.

I think what really need to be addressed is partner's rights. Any domestic couple that decides to be established as a COUPLE needs to have the same tax, medical, and legal rights as any other, whatever the genders are involved. A simple contract can spell out the particulars and the law should recognize those rights while the couple is under contract.

I don't have any problem with what people do in the privacy of their own bedrooms. I don't think God wastes his time on it much either.
I favor it and think it is absurd that there are people who believe that humans will become extinct if it is legalized. Give me a break. Only a small percentage of people in America are gay.

This is scapgoating similar to when people say that legalizing gay marriage would destroy traditional marriage when traditional marriage has been failing for years even before a single US state legalized it.

America is not a Christian nation. The founding fathers did not want religion mixing with government. So stop using this as a reason to be against it.
1) If you think the world is all gonna become gay if gay marriage was allowed.. Your an idiot
2) When it comes down to it you cant help who you love
3)Idk why they wanna get married but hey more power to them.
it is not logical on any level - there is no purpose to it

the act of sex does not produce life for either of the homos if male homos or female homos

they serve no purpose other than to give one another the evil pleasures

now they are allowed into the light and out of the closet it appears that they are more legal each year
I could care less what people do with their lives. If gay people want to be married, and it makes them happy, then I have no prob with it. Life is too short to worry about other peoples issues. Let them do as they please, and worry about your own problems. This is how I live my life.
I'm in favour because I'm against discrimination. This subject highlights why religion has to die out - it puts the supposed wishes of an imaginary deity above human welfare and well-being. It's anti-human.

Nobody 'turns' gay. Could you (assuming you're straight)? No, of course not. I know I couldn't. Therefore the people who are gay now didn't 'turn' gay or choose to be gay - it's just the way they are. Hence your 'problem' doesn't exist.
I'm against it because the concept of marriage was based on the idea of 1 man + 1 woman. That is the definition of marriage and it has been like this since forever basically. I am a big traditionalist and am for keeping it this way. And no, the definition is not just two people who love each other. It was made for men and women to unite them.

Also if you break this definition of marriage to include gays then you'll have to allow other forms of marriage too. Soon we're going to have to tolerate allowing immediate family to marry, or for people to marry children or non-humans like animals (believe me, there are those who would want this).

If you want to create a union between whomever and whomever then you going to have to call it something else because the definition of marriage has long-ago been defined and established. I'm not opposed to the civil union thing, just not marriage.
I'm against it because the concept of marriage was based on the idea of 1 man + 1 woman. That is the definition of marriage and it has been like this since forever basically. I am a big traditionalist and am for keeping it this way. And no, the definition is not just two people who love each other. It was made for men and women to unite them.

Also if you break this definition of marriage to include gays then you'll have to allow other forms of marriage too. Soon we're going to have to tolerate allowing immediate family to marry, or for people to marry children or non-humans like animals (believe me, there are those who would want this).

If you want to create a union between whomever and whomever then you going to have to call it something else because the definition of marriage has long-ago been defined and established. I'm not opposed to the civil union thing, just not marriage.
Oh my God.

The world is not going to turn gay.

Do you want to be gay? I don't want to be gay! Would I feel differently if people didn't hate on gay people so much? NO. I am straight. Straight people are straight, gay people are gay.

Evidence in support of this fact: GAY PEOPLE EXIST.

If people had any say in the matter, NO ONE would choose to be gay. It is a horrible burden to bear. They get treated like crap by everybody. It's much easier to be straight.
This theory only holds water if you believe what the bible says! And it wasn't the almighty who wrote the scriptures, it was men with the same frailties back then as they have today.
Everyone takes what is written in these religious books and uses them for their own ends, but talk about contradictions!
Catholics ask priests to act as intermediaries on their behalf's, yet in the bible it states that no man cometh unto the father but by me, thus this in the eyes of a protestant is considered a sin.
Jesus said love they neighbour as thyself, I haven't read anywhere in the bible that he said...Barring all gays!
Come on, what is up with the picture here!