Why are people who are into the beauty/fashion/media field, so shallow and mean?


Dec 9, 2008
People who either work for these industries, or want to be, or just are into it all. I mean they judge you on every little detail, that it's ridiculous, and so mean/nasty to the point where they literally come across like they have NO soul. They dont. Their soul is material things, tanning lotions, beauty supplies, clothes,

and they are ONLY happy if they're perfectly thin or built and have the best clothes and are beautiful and what not.

Thats their life. They're also brutal towards other people, especially others in the industry, mean, and their life consists of pampering themselves 24/7, and being mean and nasty to others.

If they're not mean and nasty...they're usually just selfish and egotistical, or just..too caught up in themselves and image.

they're so vain that they care about every little hair on their brows shaped perfectly, and every pound counts, and every dress size counts, even half of a dress size, and clothes must be from current season only, (exceptions for vintage)...and they have to stay on top, and be on top over other girls or guys...and its just so brutal.

Age too. Once you hit a certain age, goodbye, even if you look good for your age.

it's becoming disguisting, and they influence mainstream America, where you basically have to look good, and have this perfect plastic face, or else...you're a losser or poor or something, a chump.

You hear endless songs about girls singing "they don't want no scrubs, no chump, if you got no money , sit ur A&& home,..."

Those girls and guys might be pretty, but they're nasty, mean, and just....heartless people, for the most part.

They only care about money, looks, their career, and that's it!
It's literally the most shallow, brain-dead field imaginable, where looks are 100% that matter, and all else is 2nd in line...a far distant 2nd, and most of it is bs anyways.

It's like,...its so important to look fake and plastic and fashionable, and this is why malls are CLOGGED nation wide, with people dying to have a certain look, and just dying for certain clothes, etc.

It's all just unbelievably godless, hedonistic, ...I dont even know where to begin.

It's a nightmare!

And yet...many of you are guilty of it yourselves.

Ask yourselves, is all of this really THAT important?

Are all of you really THAT insecure?