Why are people complaining about the Nintendo 3DS price?

May 30, 2010
People complained when the 3DS was thought to cost $300 in North America. The NA price is announced at $250, people still complain."$50 more and I can get a console" they say, ignorant of the fact that a handheld that is a dedicated gaming device is still a console. That's why for example, the Sega Game Gear or original Game Boy are consoles whereas the more advanced iPhone is not. Never mind that at $300 you would only get a bottom-of-the-line PS3 or 360 and you have to pay more to get a bigger hard drive for both systems.

I have a PSP 1000 and I've played on it for four years. When it launched it was $250 and all you could do was go on the internet, play PS2-like games on the road, look at pictures and movies and listen to music. AND you had to buy a memory card for it because $250 was the price of the core pack. A decent 4 gig Sony brand memory stick would cost $120, so that was $370 for a handheld.

Fast forward from 2005 to 2011: The 3D trend has resurfaced but this time with far better visuals than the old Red/Blue junk of the past. The 3DS has a whole host of features that I won't need to list because most people reading this already know what they are. It costs the same as the PSP did, does more than the PSP does, the battery lasts for the same amount of time, but now it's "too much for a handheld." And on top of that it actually costs LESS than the PSP did since the dollar is weaker now. So what up with that? Why are people such spoiled, entitled brats?
I'm curious to see if a few more people share opinions. I've added clarification in some places and I'm looking for at least 4 answers.