Why am i losing weight?


New member
Jul 12, 2008
Im 19 years old, 5'0. 100 lbs
Im not on or tried drugs, i dont drink or smoke, im far from depression but i have in the past but that was like a year ago?
Recently i started to lose my apatite and im not sure why
Example? I would go to burger king with my boyfriend for breakfast and order like a whooper. At the moment of me ordering it i would be soooo hunger, it seemed like a pretty good idea, but then when we would go sit down, id either take a bite out of it and not want anymore or i jst wouldnt touch it at all, like i was disgusted with it. My boyfriend would offer me his french toast sticks but i couldnt eat those either.
(im a secretive eater, i try to hide my face if i feel or think im being watched as i eat or ill not want to eat infront of people)
So then id wait until like 6pm or later to eat, and i dont really eat meals, noone in my household really cooks, and im a picky eater so ill have like a bowl of noodles and some juice and thats about it. When i was in highschool and going to college, id wake up so late that i wouldnt have time to have breakfast so id jst leave without eating and when i got home most of the time id wait later to eat. im not pregnant or on any kind of birth control. im not sexually active. Ive always been small for my size but lately everyones been so worried abt my weight and now im kind of starting to get alil worried. I feel okay, but i do get cold and tired fast, i normally have to take a nap during the day and my sleep schedule is all jacked up, i havent been sleeping regularly either, now i stay up until like 6AM something in the morning, and then im waken at around 9AM. I went to go see my doctor last week, he didnt really know what to say really, he thought it was something that i wasnt telling him but i was completely honest. I have been worrying and stressing abt school and work lately though, I dropped out and im trying to find the college to fit my needs and im looking for a job and theres not many that are really hiring in my area or none that i can really apply to cause of my none work experience. Does anyone know why im losing weight? My jeans dont even fit me right anymore, most of them were tight on me but now there very lose, like i have to pull them up every now and again when im walking (cant find my belt :p)
Today my twin sister kind of embarrassed me because she started off joking abt my skinny jeans being loose on me, then she grabbed for my arm and ended up touching my elbow and was grossed out, i didnt understand her reaction, she said that she was able to feel my bone, i thought that was normal for my size? she kept touching my body and cringing, she went to touch my back and ran her finger down my spine and cringed....she was able to feel my spine bone.....
We were in a public line and she was saying "Katrina are you sick? Woow i didnt know it was that bad? Are you okay? im not suppose to feel your bones like that, ewwww. you need help, you need to eatttt!!" My past weights were : 103 lbs, 108 lbs, 100lbs. Help?