who wants to get 10 points for letting me vent?


New member
Oct 15, 2010
idk why im mad i just am. So i have this friend and she is my only REAL friend. You have those friends, the ones who ignore all your texts then expect to be bffs whenever u c them. so anyway she is pretty cool, nice, and gives amazing advice. So of corse im gonna b friend with her right? of corse, that is up until this day when i figured out her mecanism. Every week she has a new friend. I mean ex. one week she is bffs with one person, the next week tht "bff" is knocked down to a aquaintence becuz she has a new bff. the third week she forgets her first bff, the second one is an aquaintence and she has a new one. i think you get it. I have seemed to avoid this pattern, i was never her "bff " nor forgotten. ill shoot her a hey text or wazzup. usually no responce, even when i c her with her fone. wow. legit she will ignore all contact outside of school, then inside all of a sudden there is nothing wrong. she claims tht she rarely texts, well thts a big FAT lie. and i am seriously getting tired of her lame excuses to stop texting, weve all been there, u no tht oh i have hw. ok thts believable the first time, but when u use it everyday, then say oh my rents dont let me txt. i refuse to tell u the most extreme lameness excuses. i no ur probably saying um why r u friends with her, well idk why. i just am, its a guiven. i have tried to ignore her. she senses something is wrong, i will honestly tell her one of my problems, she gives me great advice, but then she absolutely forgets and wonders why i am sad/mad. i really wish her bday was in the summer bcuz then i wouldnt have 2 get her n e thing. i dont mind it, but i dont wanna look like an idiot when she forgets my bday, ill bet my life she will. i just cant leave and walk away, ive tried but i always cave and come right bac. sone time i promised myself i would let her text me first, 2 months later by accident i sent all my contacts a chain message. she responded, omg why havent u texted me i got a new fone and lost ur number i tried to get it from other people but none of them knew it. tht is a lie because she knows exactly who has my number and who doesnt. im sick of her bs. i love her like my sister, and thts why i cant let her become a biotch and leave me. help??