Who is the biggest celebrity now and is this still a negative point or now a


New member
Nov 22, 2008
positive? We all saw how the GOP made such a big issue out of Obama's celebrity comparing him to airheads Britney and Paris....so does the comparison now extend to the GOP's darling Sarah Palin or do we get to see more Republican hypocrisy in action by depicting Sarah Save the Turkeys Palin's celebrity in a positive light?

"Agents from the William Morris Agency and elsewhere, have come knocking. There even has been an offer to host a TV show."

"Tomorrow, Governor Palin could do an interview with any news media on the planet," said her spokesman, Bill McAllister. "Tomorrow, she could probably sign any one of a dozen book deals. She could start talking to people about a documentary or a movie on her life. That's the level we are at here."

"Barbara Walters called me. George Stephanopoulos called me," McAllister said. "I've had multiple conversations with producers for Oprah, Letterman, Leno and 'The Daily Show.'"
i am thinking that after the turkey thing maybe so many people won't want her. she talks way too much as if quantity of words makes up for lack of substance. she has a huge ego.
Joe the Plumber will be bigger than Sarah Palin, I think. Mmmm is he sexy, so YES it is a positive!!!!!!!! Joe Forever, stay fresh, boy!!!!
"multiple conversations"

I mean this woman can't even put words together. The media just wants someone to laugh at - if thats how she wants to be remembered then thats nice for her.