Who do you think is better (Android OS for smart phones OR Nokia Symbian OS for...


New member
Nov 18, 2011
...modern Nokia Phones)? well....i have this uncle who likes nokia so much and who is in love with symbian to death!!.
and me and him are always fighting about which operating system for MOBILE PHONE IS BETTER.
i love android so much and i alwalys explain to him why saying...Android is the most customizable open source os system ever....it's also have a great UI.....best market ever and alot of free great apps i mean really android market have huge huge number of great themes , apps , games , widgets for free...AND FINALY I THINK THAT ANDROID IS MUCH MORE SUPPORTED THAN SYMBIAN FROM DEVELOPERS AND GREAT IMPORTANT APPS WHICH R ALSO SUPPORTED ON THE IOS (IPHONE).....I MEAN ALMOST ALL IMPORTANT GREAT APPS WHICH SUPPORTS IOS which is the king for some people and developers ALSO SUPPORTS ANDROID....but they r not supported on symbian like....TANGO , VIBER AND MUCH MORE.

nokia is now working on their os to make it much better and i think to look like android where they took their notification bar from android like copying and released it first in SYMBIAN BELLE.......and they r now working now on the coming soon version of symbian (SYMBIAN CARLA)....and he thinks that symbian and nokia phones are much more better than android and android phones in alla ways.....quality and os and that their os is better and prettier than android....

so what do u people think about that,,,plz i just need some opinions ..... feel free to say whatever u think.....but please i dont want any answers which say iphone or ios or anything about it cuz this is not about iphone or ios..

Android VS Symbian.....what do u think?