White wine and garlic green beans; will they compliment this dish or overpower it?


New member
Dec 27, 2012
I'm inviting my boyfriend over for dinner tomorrow. I'm making mozzarella chicken raviolis with garlic alfredo sauce; they're really good with regular canned green beans, but since I'm inviting someone over, I want to use fresh cut green beans this time. This is the recipe I'm considering: http://allrecipes.com/recipe/zesty-white-wine-green-beans/

I have all of the ingredients in my kitchen. They sound delicious cooked like that, but should I just prepare them plain to be on the safe side? Do you have a favorite way of cooking them? Thanks for any suggestions! :)
The fresh beans sound more appetizing, and they won't have salt like the canned ones would.
Cook the beans until tender, but don't leave them sitting in the hot water.
I usually dress mine with a good squeeze of lemon, butter, and pepper.
The recipe looks great.