Which OS for smartphones is better Symbian OS or Anderiod OS?


New member
Nov 17, 2012
Also what is the difference between these Operating systems?
Which one is the latest and stable and has more stuff to get via mobile web?
I am basically considering these 3 smartphones to buy
1..HTC explorer with anderiod os
2..Nokia 500 with symbian OS
3..Samsung Galaxy Y with Anderiod OS

Nokia 500 is my first choice but i have heard some people saying that it has a symbian OS which is old and unsupported..Is it true?
Which one of these smartphones should i buy?
The android OS is better and much cooler than symbian OS. But the android OS needs huge amount of energy and even if you full charge it and don't use it...it will run for max one day...my brother bought galaxy y few months ago...but replaced it because of its battery hunger...
I think you should not go for galaxy y...
I don't know about HTC but you vote nokia 500..cause after all..NOKIA IS NOKIA..:)
symbian is powerful but out dated and not many app not even as much as a blackberry why do you think nkia switched to windows mobile