What should I eat to gain muscle mass? Is GNC overpriced? Do I need protein


May 13, 2008
supplements? I'm male, seventeen years old, six feet tall, and about 185 pounds. I'm not really fat, more on the bulky muscular side, but I'm not really "in shape." I wanted to start packing on lean muscle mass. I don't really care about weight but more about just getting stronger and bigger.

Back when I last tried putting on weight, I tried a GNC mass gainer and that showed pretty good results, but it was so expensive. At almost $70 a week, I found myself spending my entire paycheck on part of my diet. My mom also makes me stir fry and omelets and other good sources of protein, but I don't know what is too much or too little.

I just read a series of articles saying that in order to put on weight you don't need to buy all these protein supplements or workout pills or anything like that, but you just need to eat rice and chicken and milk and all the like. I don't want to waste my money, and I want to be effective in gaining muscle mass. I hear about all the bodybuilders at my gym eating a pre-workout shake, drinking an intra-workout shake, and then drinking a mass gainer afterwards.

I don't know what I need to do to put on muscle mass because I am getting mixed answers from every direction. I am extremely interested in trying a pre-workout shake along with an intra-workout shake, but I don't want to waste money, and I also hear people saying that GNC is ripping people off by overpricing and offering things that they don't need.

I'll take all advice. I'm looking to get in much better shape by the summer, and time is running out. Thanks in advance.