What kinds of technology there will be in the future, like 50 years later.?


New member
Dec 9, 2011
50 years ago, people thought world will become like Science fiction, but it did not.
We still use same assault rifle. We use similar tanks, space shuttle,stereo, buildings, airplane, cars, cloth. Cars don't fly !
The big difference are PC, phone, TV, graphics, MP3, headphones, optical disc. We never imagines there will be better technology like this 20 years ago, we thought TVs, optical disc players, PC were decent enough.
There will be bigger size of memory, HDD, graphic cards, CPU.
Core i3 is decent enough, there will be better CPU but I don't think it will make much difference. There are not much big difference between core i7 and core2duo. PS3 games and TVs are decent enough for me, I can't imagine better graphics.
Sex with electronics toy, including artificial intelegence, called rabot will be avilable for substiture of sex
What they couldnt have predicted 50 years ago was an information based society. 50 years to the future we are going to see novel ways of technology melding into daily life. As the symbiosis of humans and technology deepens, our technology will take on gradually more intuitive and almost biological function.
Also a bigger question will arise. A more gradual change which id say might begin to take hold in 50 years is going to be the shift from creating new technologies to finding new ways to use them.
Personally, I hope that technology is just a fad. I really dont give a shit about the next apple product. There are so many things that are not right in this world, people being mistreated and taken advantage of all over just so that i can play my fuckign angry birds. Fuck that shit.
Technology seems to evolve. They cant really improve graphics much more on gaming consoles, but they could make them more interactive, like the virtual reality game that came out about 15 years ago, where you put on a mask and could look all around as if you were in that world. The graphics on that were pretty poor. Actually, I dont know why they didnt keep improving on that, I dont think cars will be flying in the next 50 years, but they could have the ability to drive themselves and be fully automated. Basically, I think there will be what we have today, but with improvements to everything.