what is the recovery time of a 50% in the rotator cuff? i tore it playing


New member
Sep 28, 2009
baseball and i want to know the time? im a pitcher and shortstop i went to the doctor and got a mri and he said it is 50% torn. he said i would be out for a year to a year and a half. this wil be my 4th surgery 2 on both shoulders i tore my rotator cuff once before in the same shoulder and it was almost as bad and it wasnt nearly as long as a recovery time. im just wondering if this is right and why this one is longer then the other one. and since this is my 4th surgery sjould i keep playing baseball? i really need help anything is good thanks/
I would ask a medical doctor for a second opinion.

That said...

Patient: “Hey Doc, it hurts when I do this...”
Doctor: “Than don't do that.”