What is the best supplement from gnc (any brand) to build muscle?


Active member
May 12, 2008
I already know that milk and eggs and blah blah blah natural stuff. But i want to know the best supplement for muscle building at gnc disregardless of the price. I already have muscle but i want to keep on adding more. i used muscletech intravol and it really worked but i want to try something better.
In my opinion, this is the best stuff : GNC Pro Performance® AMP Amplified Wheybolic Extreme 60™ - Chocolate. I don't take it cuz i dont spend over $20 at GNC but my friend uses it and he's ripped. Basically, it makes you last longer in the gym and helps you recover quicker than the other supplements. With that being said, you must take advantage of that opportunity by actually pushing yourself a little harder at the gym when you take this. If you just consume it without working out or not pushing yourself, then don't expect major results. Hope I've helped.