What does my dream about a / my wedding mean?


Jun 12, 2008
Hi, I'm a 14 year old boy and last night a had a very rare dream; in that it was long and actually rememberable. It came on probably for about an hour or so, I presume like most dreams, I don't remember most of it. Anyway, it occured whilst drifiting in and out of sleep this morning.

(THIS ODDLY UNRELATED PART OF THE DREAM DOES BECOME ABOUT A WEDDING SOON, SO PLEASE DO READ IT ALL) The earliest I remember was that I was in a hospital / medical place and apparently, as wierd and as un-understandable as it may seem, all I could remember was that there was something "wrong with my sex chromosomes" or something like that... very wierd. I think there was a discussion about my gender changing unexpectantly or something and I could remember some shape with different coloured balls off of it and a disscussion about it at a dinner table with my family I think. Very odd, almost a nightmare.

Anyway, the main part. I next remember a change of scene where I was at a wedding, in a proper suit or something you usually wear. (Like all of the dream, I don't remember noticing or knowing about most details) I soon found out that it was me getting married somehow and I met the woman or girl (I can't remember what age I / we were) I remember very few details about this part; but it was all organised. Then it was the part where the man traditionally waits for the bride in the church. Except this church had a massive hall connected to the entrance and I was waiting with some old man, possibly my father in the future I suppose, with white hair and beard, he was sweeping I think i can recall. The next I knew, she came past in the dress, again cant remember much about her except she was a female in a white dress, rather just an object person sort of. Next she was wondering when to go in and we were discussing this I think whilst thinking how wrong the organisation had gone. She just decided to rush in, and dissapeared. The next time I went back to sleep a few minutes later after waking I decided, after much deliberation to go in. Then I skipped to a scene where we were sitting next to each other in a pew, our entrance unnoticed somehow but then talking to the next person behind us. I know this is not how a conventional wedding works. I remember feeling happy, thinking to myself, whilst asleep I thought about how I didn't really know what she looked like, weird as it seemed. I think she turned out to look a lot like a bride on an episode of BBC Three's "Don't tell the bride" Google it if you want. Anyway, she wasn't that good looking and I started thinking I had made a mistake and that I didn't really know her beforehand and therefore, maybe I was awake now? I don't know. Just before being called up to the alter, she changed to being quite good looking and so I felt better. We were up infront of the priest doing the vows or whatever they are called, feeling very happy but I remember not being able to hold her hand properly; my right arm was across my body to hold her right, I was aware this was not right but couldn't correct it. I also noticed her skin was quite rough; not sure if this matters but that was how I remember it. However, I was happy. Next I rember the part where you kiss and everybody applauds. I was very happy.

The next I remember, it was the photgraph being taken. And it was at the front of the church whilst inside on some chairs, NOT PEWS note. Guests and best men etc took up the first row, and I was unable to recall the bride but someone pointed out (My friend in real life and best man in this dream) Two seats free. After peering behind the first row I sat there and so did she. The last I remember was feeling happy and wanting instantly to be with her and just an odd "good feeling" I then woke up, I little dissapionted it was a dream. Because oddly actually in the dream I was convinced it was reality.

Anyway, what does this mean? To my research, It apparently has some research to a loved one's death. Btw, my grandfather died last month and we are organising his funeral atm. Which I often feel is a ceremony opposite to a wedding. Do you think this has anything to do with the dream? I also, don't have a clue what the first hospital part had to do with the wedding and how it linked. May have even been a different dream. Anyway, what do you think / know about this type f dream? Thanks.