What do you think of this scene, I need advice (please!)?


New member
Jun 10, 2011
Thoughts and opinions please, need help with editing and improving.
“What was the homework?” Courtney asked as we walked towards the science labs. She’d decided to speak to me again. It was a good thing that she finally decided to speak to me because otherwise it would have been really awkward, since Cara and Sarah were in different Science sets to us.
“To finish the experiment write up that we didn’t have time to finish in class, and then to do the sheet on the use of chemicals in retail pharmacy business.” I explained.
“Oh yeah I did that last night.” She replied. “I think I got it all wrong though.”
“At least you’ve done it. That way Mr Johnson can’t complain.” I said.
“Oh he’ll find something to complain about, even if I’d done all the homework for the rest of the term!”
“True.” I said as we entered the classroom and sat down in our usual seats on the middle row. Luke was already there, sitting on the other side of Courtney’s chair. My heart sank. Luke seemed to have nearly all the same lessons as Courtney, which meant that we could never talk properly without him butting in and changing the subject. Luckily Mr Johnson walked in before they could start a conversation.
“Alright, sit down and quieten down, you’re all much too noisy.” He said gruffly as he walked to the front of the class. “Homework out in front of you, and no excuses for not having it done, you’ve had a week.”
“Actually, we’ve only had a few days.” Courtney said.
“Nonsense. I gave it to you last Thursday.” Mr Johnson said firmly.
I rolled my eyes at Courtney. Mr Johnson would never admit that he was wrong. He had given us the homework last Monday.
“We haven’t even been back at school for a week yet!” Courtney whispered under her breath. “So how could we have had a week to do it?”
“Exactly.” I muttered back.
Mr Johnson was striding around the classroom by this point, collecting the homework sheets and checking to see that the work in our exercise books had been completed. When he reached Kyle, who was sitting at the end of the row behind us, he paused.
“Where’s your homework?” Mr Johnson snapped.
“Didn’t do it.” Kyle said, not looking very bothered about it.
“Mr Johnson, if you set the homework a week ago, then Kyle couldn’t have done it because he wasn’t here.” I said, turning around.
“He was here; I remember explaining the sheet to him myself.” Mr Johnson answered.
“You didn’t give us the homework a week ago then?” I questioned.
“Erm well I... stop this backchat now, my lesson plans have nothing to do with you. If you want to teach the lesson then be my guest.”
“No thanks.” I muttered under my breath. “Not in a million years.”
“Well then Kyle, I’ll see you in detention at lunchtime and you can complete the work then.” Mr Johnson continued.
“Whatever.” Kyle said.
“And perhaps you’d like to be in detention tomorrow lunchtime as well?” Mr Johnson asked, looking almost delighted at the thought of inflicting more punishment.
“I wouldn’t waste your time with him Mr Johnson, he won’t even turn up.” Luke said with a smirk.
“Who asked you?” Kyle shot back.
By this time Mr Johnson had got bored of trying to lecture Kyle. “Settle your personal differences later, not during my lesson time.” Then he went back to the front of the class, expecting the matter to be settled.
“Don’t know why he’s even here; bet it’ll only be a few weeks before he gets kicked out of this school too.” Luke carried on. “Why did you get kicked out anyway?”
Kyle shot me a look and I shook my head quickly. I hadn’t told Luke about Kyle being expelled from his last school. Then it dawned on me. I’d told Cara, who must have told Courtney who had obviously told Luke. It didn’t know why it mattered anyway. Kyle had seemed quite proud of it when he told me.
“It’s got nothing to do with you.” Kyle growled.
“It’s obvious he cheated on a test or something. It’s not like he knows anything.” Luke said loudly to Courtney.
“I wouldn’t waste my time.” Kyle shot back.
“Oh yeah I forgot, you ain’t bothered because you’re going nowhere.”
Kyle clenched his fists. “Like you then?”
Luke leapt up sending his chair skidding across the floor, causing a loud scrapping sound.
“That’s enough!” Mr Johnson demanded. “Both of you, outside now!”
Luke shoved past Kyle and stormed out. Kyle followed him, slamming the door.
“Now I want you all to get on with...” Mr Johnson started, only to be interrupted by the shouting in the corridor. Mr Johnson strode towards the door and flung it open.
“To Mrs Fielder’s office now!” He bellowed. I tried to look passed Mr Johnson to see what they were doing, but his frame was blocking the doorway. As quickly as he’d reached the door, Mr Johnson swung back around, shutting the door behind him and walked back to the front of the class.
Courtney had a triumphant grin on her face. “Now that makes science so much more interesting.”
I didn’t reply, knowing that if I did, I’d end up falling out with her again.