What do you think of my story?


New member
Sep 18, 2011
This is a part of my story called 'Lock Jaw'. If ya want more, just search for the title of the story on Quizazz. Please tell me what you think and what needs improving ;) Don't forget, this only some of my story. What do ya think?

"Huh..?" Claura growled, trying to 'wake' herself up from her already awake 'dream'. She was awake- She just didn't think she was; for she was on the bridge that she had seen in her dream. Only, this time, there was no pack. No black wolf. Nothing. Nohing, but a bridge and its streaming blue lake beneaf it. Few times did she try to convince herself that this was all a dream, because she knew it wasn't, it was just too real. Claura shaked her head, and stood up, un raveling her crossed, dazed eyes. She couldn't seem to figure out how or why she was here, in the most unknown of places.
Then she met eyes with another wolf. Not the black wolf she had seen, but a brown and shaggy, handsome wolf that was calling her over (Or so it seemed). His eyes were a shining hazelnut creame colour, which reflected off the clear drops from the lake itself. His lovely, smooth muzzel and chest were a faded fawn, shading into the most wood-like brown Claura had ever seen! Then came his lustrous under coat.It was bark brown with specks of fawn lighted into him. The male shaked his wonderous, dazzeling coat of fur, and flicked his tail. Clearly the dog was trying to impress Claura, and, it seemed to be working. Despite the charming growls the brown wolf gave off to Claura, she managed to restrain herself from finding a mate and getting into a pack- Which, for a wolf, was very un natural. The young wolf slowly, luxourosly, beamed his way over to her, in the most greatest of struts. He sat down as soon as he could feel Clauras breathe touch against his fur, and gasped.

And here is another extract:
"Nice to meet you" Falcons young, sweet, kind voice bounded onto Claura in amazement. This pack had such lovely and handsome males in it, that she could hardly believe that she was still awake. Yet, she managed to restrain from fighting
"Ma'm, it is a pleaure to meet you." The old, calm, posh voice made Claura gasp in excitement. Had she really found the pack of her dreams? ...Perhaps the love of her life? Only time could tell that now, and, it seemed, she had a lot of that. Horonzon walked her and the pack over the huge hill. It was indeed steep for all of them to travel up, but they had all clearly adapted to it- Even Claura had experience from walking up the mountains. As they all reached the top, a beautiful ray of blue shimmer geamed upon all of them. A great, big, streaming blue lake was ahead of them now, and it was beautiful! The trees here were just a little lighter and fresher from the others, creating reflections of the water. The stones beneaf its surface would trap the mud from invading this wonderous eray of life.
"We own the most stunning lake on the land, Claura. Do you like it?" Hunter spoke, beaming his georges eyes across to Claura, winking with some flicks of his glorious brown tail.
"I..I..." It left her speechless, only gasps came in and out of her mouth now- Even that seemed to be quiet. Hunter smiled for a while at Claura, before running down the hill again towards the streaming lake, indicating the pack to follow.

"I'm a stunner for de' ladys!" Hunter sarcastically smirked, nudging Blackfire who winked back at him. Claura, it seemed, was at the lake in no time, staring down at all of the fish, weeds and stones. Claura could scent black ash approching her from behind, but she was too mesmorized to turn now and see the approching shadow.
"You can take one, if you wish." Horonzon asked her.

"Its for you, my dear" Horonzon dropped the dead trout by Clauras paws and sat, grinning at her and staring into her eyes deeply.
"I SAID NO!" Roared Claura, clearly not happy with it. It wasn't that she was un grateful, it was that this wasn't real love. Hunter loved her much, but she could never have him. Not unless Hunter thourght for her. Of course, Claura too had feelings for Horonzon, but the 'love at first sight' with her and Hunter was imaculous...Truly amazing. The first time she met eyes with his, they fell in love. Horonzon only wanted her to show off to the males and for a cub. That wasn't love, that was selfish.
It is hard to care about the content of the story when the presentation is so bad. It is as if English is not the first language of the author. And at some points it is as if someone is simply reciting an outline of what is or has happened rather than it actually being a section of a story.
This is really boring. It's just cheesy. With names like Blackfire, it's kind of dumb. You have good vocabulary, and details are good, but the whole subject is a little dumb.
It;s good, but you have some spelling and grammar errors? like "most greatest" is incorrect. good story though. although why are all books these days about wolves and such? because of those stupid twilight movies. JUST kidding i love those books