What Do You Think Of Celebrity Baby Names?


New member
Sep 3, 2008
The cutest, and most repulsive, mix and match first and middle names to see if you like a combination.


Nahla Ariel (Halle Berry's Daughter)
Elijah Blue (Cher's Son)
Ryder Russle (Kate Hudson's Son)
Apple (Gweneth Paltrow's Daughter)
Moses (Gweneth Paltrow's Son)
Shiloh Nouvel (Angelina Jolie's Daughter)
Vivienne Marcheline (Brad and Angie's Youngest Daughter)
Knox Leon (Brad and Angie's Youngest Son)
Harlow Winter Kate (Nicole Richie's Daughter)
Sophia Rose, Sistine Rose, and Scarlet Rose (Sylvester Stalone's Daughters)
Rumer Glenn, Scout Larue, Tallulah Belle (Demi Moore and Bruce Willis's Daughters)
Maddie Briann (Jamie-Lynn Spears' Daughter)
Jayden James and Sean Preston (Brittany Spears' Sons)
Brooklyn Joseph, Cruz David and Romeo James (David Beckham's Sons)
Violet Ann (Jennifer Garner's Daughter)
Zuma Nesta(Gwen Stafani's Youngest Son)
Clemintine Jane (Ethan Hawke's Daughter)

Ones I like

Sophia Rose
Jane and Ann as middle names
Harlow Nouvel, Harlow Briann or Harlow Ariel
Elijiah as a middle name
Ryder James
Preston as a middle name.

What about you?
I wonder if the people in hollywood just think it is cool to give a kid a name that you can not pronouce to is dumb. I mean come on coco and apple please them little girls are going to be picked on.
I kind of like Nicole Ritchie;s little s girls name and the one from ashley parker angel named his little girl lyric that is kind of cute sense they both are singers.]
At least David Beckham gave his kid a normal name sort of.