What are your top 5 favorite console games and your favorite handheld game of all


New member
Oct 14, 2008
time? Top 5 Console Games:
5. Metroid Prime - GC (Nintendo's best FPS and one of the great FPSs of all time. Fluid controls and still boasts better graphics than most Wii games!)
4. Shadow of the Colossus - PS2 (The very definition of "epic"!!! Simple, yet unique. Even the music is epic!)
3. God of War - PS2 (Fast paced, intense off-the-wall action! Excellent graphics and great music; this is the most insane and fluid action you'll find in gaming. Period.)
2. Rayman 2 - N64 (A simple platformer packed with innovative puzzles.Boasts some of the best graphics and music of any N64 game!)
1. Yoshi's Island - SNES (Highly unique and innovative platformer. A beautiful game with crisp sprites and a great soundtrack!)

Favorite Handheld Game:
Jump Ultimate Stars - DS (Smash Bros. style fighter with a deep, easy-to-use fighting system. Has great graphics and 300 characters :-O!!! Turned me into an anime fan; a must play for any hardcore gamer, anime/manga fan or not!)
yeah francisco, a smash bros game almost made it onto my list, but if i would put one up there than i would put melee for sure
hey matt, ive been meaning to try out golden sun for awhile. ive heard some excellent things about that game
sean, i love gta vice city. its definitely my favorite one. i also got chinatown wars on my ds yesterday and i already say it is the best game on the ds, even though its not my favorite. i know you must love something else other than gta and gran turismo though man
DJ, i just beat okami last month and i must say that this game is truly one of the greats. it would probably be my honorable mention. its such a beautiful game and it boasts my favorite soundtrack for any game. and i agree about suda 51 being brilliant...no more heroes is one of my top 10 favorite games, no doubt. i also wanna try killer7 someday
Gta:san andreas-ps2(good sandbox game)
Gran turismo1/2- ps1(the start of a good game)
GTA: London 1969- ps1( used to be addicted, still addicted)
Gta2- ps1 (i dont know why! :) )
Gta: vc (Start of a new beginning in the gta leage)

Gta: Chinatown Wars (really pushed the limits of the ds/dsi!)
(it's hard to list these in no particular order will be the truth in all this list and it ever changes)

BTW MP was considered a FPA (first person adventure) by Nintendo for some reason

5. Ocarina of Time (c'mon... must I explain)

4. Conker's Bad Fur Day (classic on all levels even the poop level, this game was what help make any game with humor in it what it is today)

3. The Orange Box (Valve really knows what they're doing when they make games there's no reason to hate Portal, Half-Life 2, TF2 maybe some haters but still worth it)

2. Eternal Darkness (nothing's better than a game that manages to fuck with the charcter and the player at the same time the game amazingly blended the story levels with the insanity meter)

1. Okami (platformer awesomeness a Zelda type adventure with a remarkable art style that had me drooling for weeks.)

My favorite handheld game currently would have to be Contact (Suda 51 is a brilliant game designer the RPG lasts so long and is just to irresistible to pass up. Great Combat system and level design.)
super mario for nentendo

her'c aventures for playstation 1

cod's for ps3

supersmash brothers for N64

twisted metal 2 for playstation 1