what are some of your favorite holiday traditions?


Apr 9, 2008
the holidays are coming up!! what are some of your favorite traditions? it can be any holiday. it can be halloween, thanksgiving, christmas, hanukkah (did i spell it right), kwanzaa (again, did i spell it right?), anything! it doesn't even have to be in this season! it can be easter, st. patrick's day, v-day, whatever! just think what you and your family do every year that makes you look forward to the holidays.

i just enjoy thanksgiving because my family always comes to my house and my uncle does the best pumpkin pie ever! and then we all just gather around the table and give our thanks and then when we're finished we get up and dance and fall asleep like at 3 in the morning or even later. my whole family sleeps over my house. the next day we don't go shopping, we get set up for christmas!! all of my cousins are like 15 and younger so they all get excited we start cleaning the house with christmas music on and just start setting up the christmas tree. it's so much fun. i'm 19 and i love spending this day with my 16 year-old sister and all of my younger cousins and my aunt and mom help us too. it's like we all take a day off and just decide to spend that day together.

and then on christmas eve everyone comes to my house again always around 6 at night. my mom with help of my aunts and uncle start cooking a big meal for all of us. we dance to spanish christmas music and then at around 1130 p.m we start reading the novena [its this book we read at our house nine days before christmas. it tells us the story of jose and maria and how they went to bethlehem and tells how baby jesus was born] then we wait until 12:00 midnight and then we start opening our presents. but we don't get up and start opening ours. somebody sits by the christmas tree and picks a present and reads their name outlouad and gives them their present. we all wait to hear our names and then open our presents. when we're all done we dance and drink some more until we pass out until the next day when we wake up to our aunts cooking us breakfast. and i love the smell of the morning after christmas and just watching my cousins playing with their new toys. its just a beautiful feeling.

i want you guys to share yours with me. so just write them down. i don't care how long it is i will read them all i promise. i think it's pretty cool reading other peoples different traditions
Some of my favorite holiday traditions include: decorating the tree and our home for Christmas (Thanksgiving weekend), making a gingerbread house, sipping eggnog, watching Christmas movies and a big lavish breakfast following the opening of presents on Christmas morning! Can't wait! =)
my 3 favorite holidays are; thanksgiving, christmas, and 4th of july (b/c its my b-day :D, but i dont feel like getting into that. its just like a normal b-day but w/ a parade in the morning and fireworks @ night and relatives)

i love thanksgiving so much because everyone is excited, and my dad gets the day off work (he's a workaholic). We usually get up around 8-9 and act like its a normal day of break, just eating typical food, although sometimes my mom will make breakfast for us. then i sit down at the couch with my dad and sometimes brothers and watch the macys parade all the way through, and then as soon as its over my dad switches it to football. i usually go to the computer or read or play games with my mom (my bros don't have any holiday spirit). Sometimes i even watch football with my dad, even though i don't see much of a point in it. then around 4 we drive to my aunt and uncles house (we bring the pies, so my mom works on those during the day) and chill out with relatives. i don't really know any of the kids, the only time i see them is thanksgiving. and last year we didnt even go b/c it was my bros 16th b-day party. then we have a big meal of turkey and potatoes and beans and some other gross food my relatives cook up which i dont eat. the desserts are also never that great, there's only pie and chocolate cake, neither of which i like. so i don't like the party part that much, but i do enjoy the day in general :D

christmas is about the best time of year ever. it is :D. on christmas eve we all hang around in the morning, the time seeming to be going in slow motion. around 6 we have a seafood/pasta meal and then sit around the fire talking. me and my bros each open our gifts from one another. Then my mom fills the thermos with hot chocolate made over the stove and we change into PJs, grab our mugs, and pile into the car. then we drive all over the county looking at people's christmas lights. when we finally get home its about 8:30 and we make sure our stockings are nicely hung, a plate of cookies and milk are left out for santa, and then we just kinda sit around and talk, maybe read a christmas story, and then around 9:30 or ten we all go to bed. i wake up around 4 in the morning and go peek at the gifts and bulging stockings, then go back to bed trying to fall asleep, usually failing and winding up reading archies instead. then when it is finally 6 a.m. i wake up one of my bros and my parents, and me and my brother open our stockings while my rents and other bro work on getting up. then my rents have their coffee and if my bro is taking an especially long time, we eat breakfast. then we each claim a spot on the living room floor, my parents either on the couch or rocking chair, and beging opening gifts one at a time. then we watch christmas movies, play with our new things, and chat until 4:30 when we drive over to my stepgrandmas houses for food, relatives, and a couple more presents. all in all, its a great time. !!!

awesome traditions! i love the holidays, their so joyous :D :D :D