Watch Non Stop & 300 Rise of An Empire HD


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Mar 10, 2014
Watch Non Stop & 300 Rise of An Empire HD

While Zack Snyder's 300 fabricated a affected but articular anchor of Frank Miller and Lynn Varley's clear novel, this aureate accompaniment section offers annihilation but lumpen CGI bloodletting and headbangingly arid quasi-historical exposition. Starting in soul-draining appearance with a annoying voiceover that makes the aperture annal of The Phantom Menace assume absolutely Wildean, this pitches Sullivan Stapleton's Themistokles of Athens adjoin Eva Green's psycho-goth Artemisia, with Lena Headey cat-and-mouse in the wings to bore us all into acquiescence whenever the adventure runs out “which is often.

Lacking the beheld wit of its predecessor, Noam Murro's stereoscopic sequel artlessly presents a moshpit of men in covering skirts traveling "Graaaaaarrrgjhhhhh!" while splattering post-Zatoichi agenda claret with their sloshing swords and bright chests. In a apathetic bid to arch the gender divide, co-writers Snyder and Kurt Johnstad action up not one but two warrior queens, although the leering boring charcoal advisedly male; T&A on chargeless display, but codlings alluringly covered in all but the chat. Considering the akin of carnage, it's amazing how black it all manages to be, with computer-game visuals and Carry On chat conspiring to cede aggregate asleep in the water.