Was she mad I didn't do anything about my interest in her? How do I get in better


May 12, 2008
terms with her (I'm female)? I was pretty positive she was into me at one point. There was some sort of miscommunication however that led us to not knowing what was going on with each other. I stopped talking to her/acted like I didn't see her or care that she was there. She had begun seeing a guy,and I asked her out too late I guess. She had intially agreed, I ignored her the next day I saw her and the day after, she came up to cancel with an excuse abouta bf(she'd been with the guy 1-2 months at this point). I just wasn't able to look her in the eye or approach her from then on. But she started trying to show interest again and I ignored it. She tried getting eye contact and I caught her staring at me all the time. I tried talking to her once. I stopped her, she was bitter andsaid she was about to leave, and I apologized for "making things awkward between us" I said I felt she was bothered when I came in. She then stepped in and said in an unbelievably soft/caring tone "I'm sorry I made you feel that way" while glancing back and forth between my eyes and my lips. She was smiling, and her eyes sparkled after a bit, I guess after seeing I didn't step away. She repeated that two other times during our convo. She mentioned some guy she may have been jealous of (probably thought i was into him...idk) I had been kinda flirty with him, she came up and watched, within 6 ft directly in front of me, and the next day, he mentioned her talking to him about me and was unbelievably angry as he did so, speaking over me whenever I tried to speak, without looking at me once, etc etc.

Anyway, its been several months since I asked her out and what not. She is now engaged to that guy (after 5 months of dating) She was with the guy during the seeming jealousy, the staring at me and the incident she was practically telling me she wanted to kiss me. She used to hang around my area all the time andwould stare at me and glance over frequently while she was supposed to be watching her clients. She now stays on the other end of the room. I don't catch her staring anywhere near as frequently. I've waved and smiled at her a couple times and each time she looked happy/giddy and would repeat the movement in some cute stupid-like way.

For the most part though, she acts totally bitter, angry or annoyed when passing by me. There is tension. Still. I don't know why she can't try to say "hey" sometime. I wonder if she's weirded out by me,but then a lot of her actions suggest that's not the case. She realized she was in my area today and I saw her face as she passed behind me. I was facing the wall mirror. She went on talking to her client.There was a silent moment and I looked over at her to see she'd been staring/glaring at me. I double glanced and she'd looked straight back down. Does she dislike me? Is she creeped out by me? I mean, I haven't talked to her in months. I haven't stared at her - I'm aware of where I'm looking and I make sure to not look at her but for an occasional glance now and then. Is she just angry that I ignored her while she may have liked me? Does she still like me? What's going on? I totally do my own thing - do I really need to stop going there if it's the chance she doesn't like me and me being there
I'm bisexual. Can't do anything about it, and I'm thankful. I love it.