Vin Scully lost World Series ring at Costco, found it in bag of ribs


Jun 17, 2007
Vin Scully lost his World Series ring Thursday while doing some holiday shopping. We know this, because the Dodgers sent out an APB via Twitter that Scully's ring was missing.*Exactly nine minutes later, the Dodgers called the whole thing off, saying Scully's ring had been found.
Crisis averted.
The mystery might not be gripping enough for "Serial" to investigate, but the*details of Scully's sort-of missing ring are plenty amusing. He lost it at Costco while grabbing ribs, putting them in plastic bags and loading them into his cart at the behest of his wife, Sandi.*The Los Angeles Times' Bill Plaschke talked to Scully and got the scoop — and, in the process, proved that Scully, 87, can even make a trip to Costco sound magical.*
"There's so much stuff there, stuff everywhere, the first couple of times I was a little intimidated," he said. "But it's become my home away from home."
The story goes like this: The Scullys were prepping for the holidays, stocking up on food and everything else they sell at Costco. They paid for their haul (presumably it was $100 more than they expected, just like every Costco trip ever) then went to their car. That's when Vin noticed his ring was gone. As Plaschke notes, it's the ring from 1988, the only one of Scully's six that he still has. He's given the others to his children.*Scully first alerted the Costco manager and he also called the Dodgers, who in turn put the Twitter detectives on the case.
We'll let Plaschke finish the story from here:
Then Vin and Sandi drove home while Vin continued to remind himself it was only jewelry and paled in comparison to the large and loving family that awaited his 88th holiday celebration.
"You know, maybe God heard me say that," he said.
Sure enough, while Vin was unloading the stacks of items, he heard a cry from inside the house. While emptying the ribs, Sandi found the ring at the bottom of the bag.
"I'm still laughing about it," said Vin. "But you know, I think I've been laughing about things all winter."
If he were a lesser person, we'd probably tsk-tsk him for not checking his bags first. But he's Vin Scully, so we'll just say "aw, shucks, Vin, you're still the best."*
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Mike Oz is an editor for Big League Stew on Yahoo Sports. Have a tip? Email him at [email protected] or follow him on Twitter! Follow @MikeOz