Vegan cooking challenge - using New World ingredients only?


New member
Oct 16, 2010
A challenge for you:

Create a vegan dish which only uses as its ingredients plants which are native to South, Central and North America, including the West Indies. Please be creative. Don't just copy from recipe books or websites. You've got plenty of scope - it can be an entrée, a salad, a soup, a main, a side or a dessert... or even a smoothie or a snack - it's up to you.

There are a few ingredients, such as potatoes and tomatoes, which already have whole cookbooks devoted to them - so it you're going to include them, try to make them just minor ingredients.

Plants native to the Americas include:

Grains: amaranth, quinoa, maize (corn), teosinte, wild rice.
Sweeteners: agave nectar, corn syrup, maple syrup, sweetleaf (stevia), carnauba.
Spices and flavourings: chilli, paprika, cayenne, allspice (pimenta), vanilla, cacao (cocoa), achiote (annatto), angostura, bergamot, sassafras, sarsaparilla, yerba maté, coca leaf (j/k).
Fruit: avocado, babaco, acerola cherry, tamarillo (tree tomato), feijoa, açaí, tomato, capsicum (bell pepper), blueberry, cranberry, barberry, hackberry, service-berry, thimbleberry, wineberry, prickly pear (nopales), guava, sapodilla, monstera, mamey sapote, white sapote (casimiroa), black sapote (black persimmon), American persimmon, canistel (eggfruit), abiu, soursop (guanabana), custard-apple (cherimoya), sweetsop (sugar-apple), pawpaw, papaya, cape gooseberry, tomate verde, tomatillo, chokecherry, capulin, coco-plum, granadilla, imbu, inga, jaboticaba, kamachile, mamoncillo, naranjilla, passionfruit, pepino, pineapple, choko (chayote).
Nuts and seeds: pecan, hickory nut, Brazil nut, black walnut, pine nut, cashew, sunflower seed, monkey puzzle nut (piñones), peanut, sapucaia nut, pumpkin seed.
Roots and tubers: potato, sweet potato (kumara, apichu), oca, maca, melloco (chiqua, ulloco, timbo), aracacha, cassava (tapioca), crinkleroot, Jerusalem artichoke, jicama (yam bean), Peruvian capucine (nasturtium), yampi, yautia (coco-yam), yacón.
Various others: squash, pumpkin, buffalo gourd, green beans, kidney beans, runner beans, pokeweed (polk salad), arrowroot, camash, mastuerzo, nasturtium, sargasso-weed, tangle, dulse, Irish moss (carragheen).
Oils: sunflower, avocado.
You can also use salt, of course.

Just reading through that list (which is far from complete - there are many lesser-known plants I left out to save time and space), imagine what it would have been like to live in the Old World before Columbus' first voyage in 1492. No potatoes, tomatoes, chillies, peanuts, avocados, vanilla, chocolate (not that I eat that anyway), pineapples, etc. Italian cuisine would have been weird without the tomato, and the Irish without the potato, Moroccan and Thai without the chilli...

So, what can you come up with? 10 points for the recipe (or recipes, if you want to try more than one) that really grabs my attention with originality or inventiveness or a really delicious sounding combination - bearing in mind that I don't eat cocoa/chocolate :p.

"Oops! It looks like you have 75 misspelling(s)." Yeah, right! Time to update your spell-check list, Yahoo!
so *if* (not *it*) you're going to ...