Twilight vs. Harry Potter?


New member
Jun 25, 2011
I don't want biased retards answering this question.

Okay, I've read both of the series of books. Personally I've read the Twilight Saga four times all the way through, and the HP series 2 times all the way through.(HP6 three times and HP7 four times).

I do love Twilight because, to me, it has a good story. I understand the jealousy, the love the hatred and everything of the like in the books. Throughout reading the saga I developed a connection with the characters, I began to love them and sort of feel their pain while I was reading. (I know that sounds insanely retarded, but I can't think of any other way to put it.)

Obviously I love Twilight because I've read it so many times.

Now, Harry Potter.

Harry Potter, in my opinion, seems kind of long and drawn out in the first 5 books. Sure they're a good read with very good stories, and sure they were some very important parts that pertained to the main plot in them, but it didn't interest me as much as the Twilight books did.

Now, Harry Potter 6 and 7.. That's a completely different story.

I'm a fan or reading. I've read Shakespeare plays, Charles Dickens novels, just a lot of things. But I can safely say that Harry Potter 7 is by far the best book with the best story I've ever read.

There's so many things in HP7 that make it such a great book. I can't even begin to explain how many things in the book just made me cry. (From how incredibly ******* awesome it was, or how sad it was.) It's just perfect.

I wouldn't know where to start if tried to explain why I love this book so much. But I just do.

So overall, I'd have to say in terms of a better series.. Harry Potter takes the cake.

I think I'll break it down like this..

Judging on how entertaining the books were on a scale of 1-10.


Twilight - 7/10
New Moon - 7/10
Eclipse - 9/10
Breaking Dawn - 8/10 (Maybe a 9/10)


HP1 - 5/10
HP2 - 6/10
HP3 - 7/10
HP4 - 8/10
HP5 - 2/10 (So boring, in my opinion. Though many would disagree)
HP6 - 10/10
HP7 - There is no number high enough to put/10

So, yeah. I want to see explanations on why you like Twilight more or HP more.

Like I said, I don't want stupid biased 12 year old Twilight retards posting. I want people whose opinion actually matters.
Robert Pattinson said, "I'd rather play Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter than being a Vampire." lol. HARRY POTTER FOREVER! <3
They both suck. I'm sick of this overused debate.
Harry Potter is overrated and Twilight is just stupid.