torrents downloading problem?


New member
Jun 13, 2013
hi .. i am using u torrent client to download torrent files. the downloading is going good up to stop the downloading. if I stop and resume the downloading file it wont work. it shows connecting pears only not downloading,please give me a suggestion to resume my download. i am also tried force download option but it still not working.
I think that the file you are trying to download has few peers (downloaders).You need peers because you can you get the chunk of file that you haven't downloaded yet, the more peers the faster to download the file(s).
All you have to do is to wait for a few minutes until the torrent finds peers again.In case of old or dead torrents,it takes quite long to find the peers again...Also,while the torrent connects to peers,make sure that you occasionally right click on the torrent and select the UPDATE TRACKER option.