This young cancer survivor had a great interview with Peyton Manning


Jun 17, 2007
There were thousands of media members at the SAP Center in San Jose on Monday night, but there's no doubt that Austin Denton was the cream of the crop. The 14-year-old drew plenty of rave reviews for his interview of Denver Broncos quarterback Peyton Manning, handling himself with the poise of someone much older.*
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Denton was diagnosed with a tumor on his spine as a 2-year-old and underwent a lot of treatments through age 8. Radiation and chemotherapy stunted his growth and he requires the assistance of forearm crutches or a wheelchair to get around.*
But all of that adversity failed to slow Denton down. Now in remission, Denton works for a local ESPN affiliate in his hometown of Albuquerque and dreams of hitting the big time.*
"Even if you've got some kind of challenge or disability or some sort of thing, just go for it," Denton told KOAT in New Mexico. "I mean, there's nothing standing in your way."
Favorite story of the day: future broadcaster Austin Denton from Albuquerque - showing his skills with Bill Cowher
— Jason Appelbaum (@JasonAppelbaum1) February 1, 2016
Denton demonstrated that he has a great future in the business as he fired off three questions to Manning. One of them was whether or not Manning will retire after Sunday's Super Bowl, a question that might have fazed most reporters who are still navigating their freshman year of high school.*
Denton, though, looked like he's been doing this all his life. He'll definitely be a media member to keep tabs on in the future.
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Kevin Kaduk
is a writer for