Summer league team to host 'Second Amendment Education Night'


Jun 17, 2007
Weird promo nights are fairly common outside of Major League Baseball. Minor-league and independent-league clubs don't have the star power needed to draw in fans, so they have to come up with ways to bring fans out to the ballpark.*
With that said, some promotions are better than others. We'll let you be the judge of the latest idea from the Battle Creek Bombers. The Bombers are part of the Northwoods League, which is best described as a collegiate summer league. They are not affiliated with any major-league club.*
On June 24, the Bombers will host "Second Amendment Education Night." The event is sponsored by local gun dealer Freedom Firearms. Freedom Firearms is referring to the event as "Second Amendment Appreciation Night," according to Fox 17.
Team general manager Tony Lovieno told Fox 17 that the event will promote gun safety and education.
"It's a celebration of responsible gun ownership and learning, if you do have a firearm, how to do it safely," said Bombers General Manager Tony Lovieno.
Freedom Firearms co-owner Jim Fulton explained more about the event.
"There's going to be some booths underneath the bleachers set up showcasing the education portion," said Freedom Firearms co-owner Joel Fulton. *"We're going to have some gun safe stuff for the kids there, basic safety stuff for kids so they know how to be safe around firearms."
It's important to note a few things here. First off, this event has been in the works for months. It is not something that was thrown together to try and capitalize on current events. Second, while it will be an open carry event, anyone caught drinking while carrying will be asked to leave the game. Finally, guns will not be sold at the game.
Given that House Democrats just held a sit-in protesting current gun control laws, the event does come at an awkward time. And since gun control is such a polarizing topic, it's clear that attending this game won't be for everyone.*
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If you are going to own a gun, it's important to be educated on gun safety. That said, maybe a baseball game isn't the best venue for that type of thing.*
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