Stop complaining about acne, unless you have it bad?


New member
Feb 4, 2013
I'm tired of people saying, "acne makes me ugly" or "if i didn't have acne id be attractive". No, if your honestly attractive it doesn't matter if you have acne or not. I'm not talking about the average less then 10 pimples on your face. If you have more maybe thats a problem and i really wish that no one had it bad, but thats life some children are dying of cancer im sure they would be happy to take your place.

Anyway I have always had some acne, and I've had beautiful girlfriends. My ex had more acne then me and she had a gorgeous round face and was attractive. I find that people with good facial structure and hair can afford acne and still be considered attractive. So maybe you should focus on your hair or how you dress cus honestly both of those contribute more to how you look then acne. Guys, wear sexy, well fitting, and dark cloths. Get a hair cut that matches your face type. I have medium dark curly hair, id recommend growing hair out a little unless you have thin straight hair. Also get a tan, sure its dangerous and damaging, but maybe in 20 years will have the technology to keep skin looking young forever (oh wait we already almost have that). I have a nice tan, nice cloths, and cute hair and acne becomes absolute, cus honestly id rather focus on those three things then cure my acne 100% and wear weird baggy cloths, be pale, and have a buzz cut.

So focus on other things cus if you're attractive acne doesn't matter.(dont forget confidence)
Joe i feel for you, like i said if its bad then that really sucks. If I were you id try to get a tan or something cus I had a mexican friends who had acne like really bad. He was buff and of course had a natural tan, and he got way more girls then i did of course he was a player and im more of a romantic douche. Pale skin never looks good with acne, and i could only recommend tanning booths.
and of course see a dermatologist if you can, it sucks cus they cost money. I'm assuming your issue is mostly scars, and there are way to completely get rid of scars but they cost money as well. Thats why i recommended the tanning, its cheap (you can do it for free), it kills acne, and it darkens your skin hiding scares and redness. Idk if it would work for you, but maybe go for the cute look. I dont mean gay cute but grow out your hair if it looks nice grown out. But if it doesnt look nice dont grow it out cus ive seen some pretty ugly long hair and i just want to cut it off and style it when i see it.
lol i have had severe cheek acne for around 4 years now and now its sorta still there with scars and i dress suupper good im a guy so i got a clean cut and wear like perfect fitting slacks and i work out and am fairly built and look fairly strong in a normal shirt but ive never had a gf due to my acne but i talk to alot of girls and flirt and stuff but ya ive got the bad case and 2 years ago i was all mopey and dopey and shit but now im like watever fuck it what do i have to lose
I totally agree. Acne doesn't define if someone is attractive or not but the again neither does clothing and hair. Sure it helps but true beauty comes from with in. Be a good person the right people will see that.