Seeking BELL alternative - Montreal, Quebec?


New member
Jun 26, 2008

I am customer of BELL since I came in this country - 1991.

My last bill was $ 120
And I am just an average person.

I called them to complain that it was too much and they told me that if I want a cheaper bill I should cut services and especially the long-distance plan.

My family is still in the old country.
I want to be able to call them and they do not have a computer.
(Even if my parents were having a computer they would not know how to use it).
But most of Canadians they do have relatives in distant countries.
Canada is a country of emigrants.

I do not find their way nice.

I am posting to ask for suggestions.

Is there any other Reliable company that offers the same with Bell in cheaper price?
Can I keep the same number - because all my friends they know it since it has been my number for many years.

I would be grateful for any advice / suggestion
You should phone Videotron, the cable TV service, which also offers phone service over its TV cable. If you already subscribe to cable television or internet, you should get a "bundle" discount.

First, check your Bell bill for the cost in $/minute for the countries you are calling. You will have to compare long distance rates - it sounds as if your very high Bell phone bill is caused by a lot of long distance calling overseas - calling Videotron to compare long distance rates and packages would tell you if your Bell bill is unusual.

Also, if you have internet at your home, you can use Skype or other internet services to call landline telephones in some other countries, but I have not tried it.