samsung galaxy s3 on verizon call waiting?


New member
Sep 19, 2010
i have a white samsung galaxy s3 16gb from verizon. I and my brother noticed (we have the same exact phone) that the call waiting screen seems to be having a problem.


Im on a call with mom, and then a new call comes in from dad. When I answer dad, and then finish his call, when i press "end call" it ends both calls, mom and dad. I only wanted at that point to end dad's call. I only see the option of merging calls when i am on first call and want to add a new call.

But for some reason I don't see the option of "swapping" calls and ending one, both, or talking to one call privately, not at the same time.

Could there be something wrong with my phone? I just got it 2 weeks ago.
I tried looking online but when i go into call settings i dont see an option for call waiting. I verified with verizon and they told me i have call waiting.

Help please? this is a bit inconvenient for my family...