Religion is a human creation causing war...?


New member
Sep 4, 2008
OK, now I am not religious, I have never been political (I know NOTHING about politics!), but I do have a bizarre opinion...

I believe that every religion was sprouted by some person, to cause controversey and thus cause war.

All our wars in this world seem to directly link to religion.

I have never seen or heard of any type of 'miracle' which could not be scientifically explained. And our world is not being saved from global warming by some 'God'.

People may say - ''Yes well we are destroying the planet ourselves and God didn't intend for us to be as advanced as we are''.... What?! If 'God' created us, and told 'Adam and Eve' to leave the 'Garden of Eden' and fend for themselves, surely he'd know that we would advance.

There has never been any solid proof of any religious symbol actually existing, and all it's doing is tearing our world apart.

Does anyone else have a similar theory? Or am I just going plain mad?! =D

Teddy - fantastic answer!
I can't agree. Although religion is often used to incite a war the underlying reasons are usually economic or ethnic.

I have heard of miracles that can't be explained naturally. Some have been well documented. I can't remember any of those just now but I remember hearing Tony Abram give a message about Crusades in Brazil where many were healed and much was documented.

Maybe drop them a line for more info?
The problem with the "Religion causes all war" argument is that many of the bloodiest wars in the 20th and 21st century have no discernible link to religious belief. For example, WW1, Vietnam, Korea, the Russian Civil War (1917–1923), the 2nd Congo War and the Chechen wars.

Also historical wars such as the American War of Independence, the American Civil War, The War of the Roses, English Civil War, have little if any religious cause.

Religion is usually used as a disguise for the real motives of greed and nationalism, the recent Iraq invasion has far more to do with oil and political 'credit' than anti-terrorism or human rights.
"Why We Disagree

I will tell you a little story. You have heard the eloquent speaker who has just finished say, "Let us cease from abusing each other," and he was very sorry that there should be always so much variance.

But I think I should tell you a story that would illustrate the cause of this variance. A frog lived in a well. It had lived there for a long time. It was born there and brought up there, and yet was a little, small frog. Of course the evolutionists were not there then to tell us whether the frog lost its eyes or not but, for our story's sake, we must take it for granted that it had its eyes, and that it every day cleansed the water of all the worms and bacilli that lived in it with an energy that would do credit to our modern bacteriologists. In this way it went on and became a little sleek and fat. Well, one day another frog that lived in the sea came and fell into the well.

"Where are you from?"

"I am from the sea."

"The sea! How big is that? Is it as big as my well?" and he took a leap from one side of the well to the other.

"My friend," said the frog of the sea, "how do you compare the sea with your little well?"

Then the frog took another leap and asked, "Is your sea so big?"

"What nonsense you speak, to compare the sea with your well!"

"Well, then," said the frog of the well, "nothing can be bigger than my well. There can be nothing bigger than this. This fellow is a liar, so turn him out."

That has been the difficulty all the while.

I am a Hindu. I am sitting in my own little well and thinking that the whole world is my little well. The Christians sit in their little well and think the whole world is their well. The Muslims sit in their little well and think that is the whole world. I have to thank you of America for the great attempt you are making to break down the barriers of this little world of ours, and hope that, in the future, the Lord will help you to accomplish your purpose." -Swami Vivekananda.