Ray Lewis calls out Tom Brady for complaining after Jadeveon Clowney hit


Jun 17, 2007
Tom Brady wasn’t the only one who was fed up Saturday night.
Brady and the New England Patriots were slugging through their divisional-round playoff game against the Houston Texans in the third quarter when he threw an incomplete pass and was dragged down from behind by Jadeveon Clowney, who spent a lot of time in the backfield in the game.
It appears that Brady was a wee bit upset that Clowney wasn’t flagged on the play.
New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady was not happy with a hit from Houston’s Jadeveon Clowney. (AP) The contact came almost immediately after Brady released the pass, but Brady seemed to take issue with the fact that Clowney kept on pulling him to the ground. So he flipped out at the refs. This easily could have been built-up frustration with the way the Patriots offense had played to that point.
Well, Ray Lewis was watching the game. And he wanted to pass on his thoughts about the play in question.
It's Called Football Brady
— Ray Lewis (@raylewis) January 15, 2017
Lewis’ work as an analyst hasn’t been his finest career achievement, and as a defensive player we assume he’s biased here, but even so he might be right about this one. The contact was questionable not egregious in our minds. Call it the Cal Newton treatment if you must.
But the post-play drama? Maybe that’s what Lewis was responding to.
Of course, Clowney thought he was playing with house money in the fourth quarter of Saturday night’s 34-16 victory when he delivered a late hit —*a full second after Brady threw the pass. The refs weren’t swallowing their whistles on that one.
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Eric Edholm is a writer for Shutdown Corner on Yahoo Sports. Have a tip? Email him at [email protected] or follow him on Twitter!
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