Quiz: What should be on your bucket list? Your sign and any relevant placements?


New member
Sep 17, 2011
BQ: Is your result something you actually want to do at some point in your life?

You Should Write a Book
You may not feel like you could write a book, but you actually have a lot to say. Just let it flow!
You already live in your own little world. You may as well introduce everyone else to it.

It's likely that you feel like you have a lot of baggage you'd like to unload, and writing can be cathartic.
By writing a book, you would feel a huge sense of accomplishment. And you'd have a legacy to leave behind.

I'm a taurus and yes it's something I want to do.
BQ2: Do you already have a bucket list?
You may not feel like you could write a book, but you actually have a lot to say. Just let it flow!
You already live in your own little world. You may as well introduce everyone else to it.

It's likely that you feel like you have a lot of baggage you'd like to unload, and writing can be cathartic.
By writing a book, you would feel a huge sense of accomplishment. And you'd have a legacy to leave behind.

cancer sun, gemini moon
bq-yeah, i already write novels and stuff.
You Should Climb Mount Everest
More than anything else right now, you need an adventure.
You need to push yourself and see what you're made of. You feel like your life has been stagnant for too long.

You think it would be good to get away from it all. You need that change in perspective that changing your geography brings.
You crave a big victory in your life, and nothing would make you feel more victorious than climbing Mount Everest.
BQ: Sure lol
BQ2: Nope lol
Keep doing the quiz questions!
learn a foreign language

You would like to turn your world upside down a little, and there's no better way to do that than immersing yourself in a foreign culture.
Learning a new language would broaden your perspective and give you an inside look at another area of the world.

Getting to know a new language would challenge your brain as well as your expectations about another culture.
Your opportunities in life would also be expanded. Imagine where you could travel once you had another language under your belt!
It seems like everybody says the you should write a book one! Mine is the space one :)

You believe that you only life once and that it's up to you to live the most memorable life possible.
Going into space may seem like an impossible dream, but you're all about living the impossible.

You love the idea of being one of a select few. You crave unique experiences.
You enjoy having bragging rights - even if the price you pay is high.

Scorpio sun
aries moon
sag venus
sag mars
sag jupiter
rising in cap/sag/aqua (dont know for sure which one)
mercury in scorpio/libra (also on the cusp, don't know for sure, since my birth time is just a range and uncertain)
~?~ You Should Write a Book ~?~

You may not feel like you could write a book, but you actually have a lot to say. Just let it flow!
You already live in your own little world. You may as well introduce everyone else to it.

It's likely that you feel like you have a lot of baggage you'd like to unload, and writing can be cathartic.
By writing a book, you would feel a huge sense of accomplishment. And you'd have a legacy to leave behind.

??? Aquarius Sun ???

BQ1: No
BQ2: No
You Should Write a Book

You may not feel like you could write a book, but you actually have a lot to say. Just let it flow!
You already live in your own little world. You may as well introduce everyone else to it.

It's likely that you feel like you have a lot of baggage you'd like to unload, and writing can be cathartic.
By writing a book, you would feel a huge sense of accomplishment. And you'd have a legacy to leave behind.

Oh, I'm a scorpio sun and moon.

BQ: Yeah, it is. I'm writing one right now, actually. Not that it would ever be released... it's too weird... I just want to finish it.
BQ2: Yes, Pretty much the whole thing is like....
I want to see (random band) before I die. Like 50 times, haha.
You should write a book

You may not feel like you could write a book, but you actually have a lot to say. Just let it flow!
You already live in your own little world. You may as well introduce everyone else to it.

It's likely that you feel like you have a lot of baggage you'd like to unload, and writing can be cathartic.
By writing a book, you would feel a huge sense of accomplishment. And you'd have a legacy to leave behind.

BQ: Same as your result, Everything. I have something I'd want share people about my life experiences. There is a lot of story in me that deserves to be told in order to give them my inspiration to those who used to or live under the same shoes. I hope my dream can come true someday. :)

I'm an Aries.
You Should Climb Mount Everest

More than anything else right now, you need an adventure.
You need to push yourself and see what you're made of. You feel like your life has been stagnant for too long.

You think it would be good to get away from it all. You need that change in perspective that changing your geography brings.
You crave a big victory in your life, and nothing would make you feel more victorious than climbing Mount Everest.

BQ: mmm >.> i dont like the coldness

BQ2: yes ma'am ;p

Aries Sun Aquarius 9th house
Ruler of 9th house in 6th (desires work that includes travel or foreign ppl/active life style)