President elect Obama; was the change will he manage his


Jun 4, 2008
"change" with insiders in his cabinet? Obama names veteran Capitol Hill aide, Philip Schiliro, as top white house representative to congress. Philip Schiliro has worked in Congress for more than 25 years, many of which were spent as a top aide to longtime Rep. Henry Waxman, D-Calif., and the House Oversight Committee.

Ronald a. Klain, former chief of staff and counselor to vice president Al Gore, has accepted an offer to be chief of staff to vice president-elect Joe Biden, Democratic officials said.

Secretary of State?
New York Sen. Hillary Clinton traveled around the world in the last Democratic White House -- could heal rift with camp Clinton. Plus,

New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson. Is there anything he hasn't done? Energy secretary, ambassador, member of congress, presidential candidate. Richardson risked his political hide by breaking with his former boss, Bill Clinton, to endorse Obama.

Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry. The 2004 Democratic nominee for president, nothing new here, no change.

Retiring Washington Insider Nebraska’s Sen. Chuck Hagel. He has military experience, he was critical of the Iraq war and he's a Republican. He traveled with Obama to Iraq over the summer.

Richard Holbrooke, former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations. Holbrooke was assistant secretary of state and ambassador to Germany in the '90s.

Secretary of Defense?
Defense Secretary Robert Gates. The surge has been widely credited with reducing violence in Iraq, and Gates presided over it. Why not keep him there? This wouldn’t be a change!

Richard Danzig, former Navy secretary, the president-elect needs all the experience he can get when it comes to his military posts. But still an insider!

Rhode Island Sen. Jack Reed, West Point graduate with Army service is a senior member on the Armed Services Committee. If that isn’t a Washington Insider what is?

Treasury Secretary?
Timothy Geithner, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, would be a seasoned appointee. He worked in the Treasury Department under previous administrations, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and worked with the International Monetary Fund. This wouldn’t be a Washington insider would it?

Lawrence Summers, former treasury secretary. He's an economic whiz and a former Harvard University president. But he's also made controversial statements that have offended blacks and women. What would be change with a former secretary?

Paul Volcker, former Federal Reserve chairman, but does the change candidate really want to reach back to the Carter administration?

Attorney General?
Eric Holder, former deputy attorney general. He was a U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia under former President Clinton. Insider!

Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick. Patrick already served in the Justice Department in the Clinton administration. Obama was accused of plagiarizing Patrick during the primaries. Nothing new here!

Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano. She's a highly regarded Democratic governor and former attorney general for her state.

Hilary Clinton. If she doesn't get secretary of state, this would seem like a logical second choice. Back to the Clinton Administration AGAIN!

National Security Adviser
James Steinberg, former deputy national security adviser. Another voice from the Clinton administration, and has State Department experience to boot.

Susan Rice, former assistant secretary of state for African affairs.

Greg Craig, Washington attorney and former Clinton White House counsel. Craig defended President Clinton against impeachment, and has also served as an adviser to Sen. Ted Kennedy and former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright.

Retired Gen. Wesley Clark, he's got the experience, but then again…he’s another insider!