posh, memory, smoked, scared, felt like dieing?


New member
Feb 3, 2011
well my buddy was smoking this stuff called posh I thought it was a joke and curious me was going to prove it, I saw him smoke over half or so of one so I went bought some and smoked it all, i was just fine then I walked in my kitchen and passed out, heart rate was 140 when its normally 40, this is the first time ive ever did anything like this and its scared me to death I thought I was dieing and crazy we went to the ER we were driving 30 and it seemed like 10mph every thing was so slow i swear I asked how long its been since it started 100 times cause it felt like i was in the ER 6 hours when we were only there 45 mins, I was numb all over I couldn't see or remember any thing much I can remember a little now, my short term memory was shot cause i could only remember what was in front of me and what had happened 5 mins before , I was talking super fast and spiting up white spit, I could still use my phone for some reason to have my mom call my buddy but I was so whacked out it wasn't even funny, my head felt like worms were crawling under my skin my heart rate was threaded at one point they said. its been 28 hours things are a lot better but my memory is really skippy is this normal high or is some thing else really wrong? I read some where it causes the brain to swell, they also said I was having a anxiety attack and sweating. oh also shaking hard im still kinda twitchy today this all happened last night and im still kinda scared that my memory might not come back to normal. also my spelling was bad before but its way gotten a bit worst now. oh I can drive now and have a sane conversation now too