People Are Getting Runned Over By Bicycles In September!: Come Out & Play Coming to A



People Are Getting Runned Over By Bicycles In September!: Come Out & Play Coming to A


This September, the "Come Out & Play" festival that has rocked New York in the past, is coming to the Netherlands via Amsterdam. The two day ( September 22-23) event creates a playground out of the very place you live:
The festival offers a chance to explore new styles of games and play. Last year the festival featured games from the creators of I love bees, PacManhattan, The Go Game, Conqwest, Big Urban Game and more. From massive multi-player scavenger hunts to public play performances, the festival gives players and the public the chance to take part in a variety of different games. Come rediscover the city around you through play. Why street games? Why a street games festival, you ask? Fair questions. Well, we like innovative use of public space. We like games which make people interact in new ways. We like games that alter your perception of your surroundings. But most importantly, we think games are great way to have fun.​
Usually, I'm not really into stuff like this, but Amsterdam is already Disneyland for adults, from the Red Light to the coffee shops to drunken sailing in the canals (and that's Monday, folks). What's one more bit of chaos thrown into the mix? Kim Phu
Come Out & Play Festival 2007 [Come Out and Play]
