Parents, do you think this is the only reason they want me to go on vacation?


New member
Feb 23, 2013
im 23 still living with parents and still looking for a job (college grad). They are planning on going away on vacation for 2 weeks and unless i get a job i need to go. I know i am 22 and an adult and should be able to stay home but they dont want me to sit around all day and watch tv. They are the kind of parents who still smack me around if i talk back about not going. Therefore, i am trying to come up lies i can say so i can stay. I guess i can say i have interviews set up or starting work but since i would be relying on someone for transportation i would get caught. They still give me a hard time about stuff, there the most annoying parents on the planet. Long story short, they could care less about me going they just dont want me doing nothing all day. Suggestions? advice?
@McGreggor, untill i get a REAl answer, my parents wont take no for an answer so now i am trying to still get advice...geez people if you dont want to respond then dont, talk about getting a seem to have one
typo i am 23
i dont want to go on vacation because i rather have the house to myself and party. I am not going to look for a job during those two weeks
You are lazy as hell, selfish, and have some false sense of entitlement. Why should you get to lay around the house all day? Get a job. Aren't you embarrassed of not having a car, job, or living with your parents at your age? Jesus Christ. Yeah, you should stay home and start filling out job applications so you can save up and get a car and move out. Why should anyone have to take care of you? Are you sure you didn't mean "13" instead of "23".