name a guy celeb! please? easy 10 points!?


New member
Jul 27, 2008
i asked this before but i just want to get a variety

there's this party/festival thing and a girl has to bring her best celeb "match" with her
i found mine, my date is dressing up as chris brown
just name one that you think would be her perfect "match" and why!

my friend needs a celeb for her date to dress up as
so name a hot celeb guy that would look good with here please!

some helpful tips about her:
-she has blonde hair with black streaks
-loves coldplay like no other
-wears dark skinnys with band tshirts, also wears black boots a lot and jackets
-typical "rocker" makeup. black eyeliner.. dark eyeshadow etc
-she's gorgeous and skinny i'll admit. idk if that helps haha

please say why and if you can add a pic that would be great!