My guinea pig is having problems walking?


May 13, 2008
I've now had 8 guinea pigs in my life, and 6 of them have died of cancer.
My last guinea pig had a mass in his bowl and had to be put to sleep.
But, my newest guinea pig is 10 months old so he should not have cancer I'm hoping.
He's having problems walking, seems like he's limping and finding it difficult to move. He doesn't seem in pain as he is still very friendly and happy.
I searched it on google to see what I could find and what might be wrong with him. & I noticed from that, that he has very big testicles. Do you think it might be this that is stopping him from walking properly? I am taking him to the vets on Monday, but I thought it was worth seeing if anyone knows what it is so I can prepare myself for what the vet might say.
If anyone can help, it will be really appriciated!
Thanks :)