my fiance got a job offer to drive a truck... is this a good offer?


New member
Oct 1, 2011
its $480 a week (under the table) he'll be driving a 1-ton truck and hauling a 35ft gooseneck trailer and his soon-to-be-bossman will buy his dinner, is it a good oppurtunity?
It's a bad idea because if he gets into an accident he's screwed.
If it's under the table he probably won't have the right paperwork and such and will be screwed if pulled over by a cop.

And honesty 480 a week isn't much money...that's equivalent to $12 an hr for 40 hrs a week.
If it's under the table it's almost never a good idea because he won't be covered by Workman's Compensation if he gets hurt. Also, you should find out what is being hauled and to how far away, he might fall under the Department of Transportation regulations for hours of service. If he gets pulled over and some cop decides that he's required to keep logbooks and such and he doesn't have them, there will be big fines and he will not be allowed to drive any further.