my computer cant download any file from the internet at all? is it a virus??



regardless of what it is or where it is (a torrent, email attachment, rar, any file) i cant seem to download it
the whole save or open window comes up, and ive tried both for everything
and it will always actually take the time to download
but once it reaches 100%, (and i did not check the box saying to close window when finished), the window just disappears, like i actually checked the box
it's listed in my recent items, just like i've downloaded it, but when i try to access it, windows has to start searching for it, meaning it's not there
i searched for it myself, and it does not show up where i said for it to download, and even when i search
ive tried dling it to my desktop, a different directory, a different drive, and an external drive, but the same thing keeps happening.
there are no other windows that pop up saying there's an error or anything - it's like i download but it doesn't actually download
it's really frustrating
thx for any help
(wrote too much xP)