My 13 year old friend says she's "in love" with her boyfriend, and


Apr 14, 2008
they've already had sex numerous times? I only found out recently that she has done this on numerous occasions. I've been trying to talk to her about it like how shes too young and everything, but she doesn't care. Is there anything I should do?
@ PerfectionQueenie Honestly, at 13 i doubt she has any idea what "love" actually is.
@Chris Her boyfriend is 17.
@Mike I was going to tell them tomorrow when she was out.
also I don't think he's pressuring her into it, shes told me she's started it before and that she wants it.
@ I l o v e y o u I'm actually a guy, so... yeah
Well thats good for you queenie, but this question was in no way directed towards you. Calling me a hater because I don't think a 13 year old knows what love is? Good job (y) I really don't care. :) Now shoo
Thanks for the answers everyone, I guess I'll just tell her parents tomorrow and keep trying to help as best I can. (I'm not really sure how to pick a best answer.. ^^")
@Honeybunny They've actually already had a pregnancy scare.. >.<
@Towanda I don't pick on him, and I've tried explaining that he should be with someone his own age, but she says that he is different from other guys and that he needs to be with her. She also said that she loves his flaws.
At thirteen one is too immature to make adult decisions. Love is pure and will never be the same as this love. But reality is out there and they don't have to deal with it just yet. Be sure she has the knowledge of how to protect herself from diseases and pregnancy.
My thought is that anyone that is that much teen in an entirely different place or should be. He is either stupid or a user. He should be out with girls his own age but he picks on very young girls that don't know the difference. Does she not realize there are some real losers out there that only go for young girls and only want their virginity. They stick around for a while and then move on as the young girl gets smarter. Or he has some social problem and no girls his own age will deal with him. They see straight through him. And he is the reason that there are laws protecting young girls and boys from older girls and boys. Older kids just have more life experience and young ones are to immature to realize it.
Since she thinks she is in love, there isn't much you can do. But here is a little bit of psych...don't run him down or call him names. That will only make her defend him. But pay attention and carefully point out his weak spots or weak behavior.
Where are her parents? They are the ones that need to step up before she ruins her life. You will ruin the friendship but tell her parents or tell the police. It will take her years to realize how you helped her.
It sounds like its too late to do anything, she'll have to learn the hard way, sadly.
You've done your best. Hopefully, she won't get pregnant or an STD.
Give her condoms for her birthday. Or when she gets pregnant ask if you can be the godmother. Also tell her that by the time she is able to drink alcohol her child will be in the third grade, and by the time she hits 30 it'll be 17.
You can't do anything else really. Only thing you can do is tell her about safe sex. In her young age, with the hormones and all, she's still lost in a "love haze". With her immaturity, she still thinks that the guy is her universe. Just try to look after her coz she might do something stupid like run off with the guy
she obviously loves him so get a grip if she knows that she needs to be protected and doesn't mind getting pregnant its her choice,i had a planned pregnancy when i was 17.

21 now and still with the man i did it with today.

EDIT: Well i knew what love is, your a douche bag.

AND you don't know shit, telling them will just cause drama and she will become very stressed but she will still LOVE him because i know because i was that 12 year old girl in love with a man and i am glad i am still with him today!

our 2nd wedding anniversary is coming up so suck this hater!
if her boyfriend is alot older and also is he pressuring her into sex, tell an adult
If here parents don't know i suggest telling them. ask them not rat you out to your friend. Tell them to just keep a closer eye on their daughter and to please not tell her you said anything.

Don't listen to people who say it's her choice. when your thirteen you aren't old enough to make choices like that.