Most US intelligence on Iran inaccurate

My "pretty good library system" has one William Blum book, but not Killing Hope. I may be SOL on finding a copy that I don't have to purchase.
Do it like this (only use 'O' rather than '0'.)

Put [QU0TE=whatever-the-posters-name-is] at the start, and [/QU0TE] at the end of the bit you want to quote. For subsequent quotations, you can just start it with [QU0TE] and it will be the same, just without repeating the original poster's name.

You are being incredibly naive if you think that the USA only deals with the "world's problems"! They look after their own interests, just the same as every other country does. And that often involves backing the "world's nasties" and stamping on the good guys. If you think that they are any less self-serving than every other counry on the planet then you are living in the world of make-believe. I mean no offence to you - I just think you need to be a bit more realistic here.
Jonnho is correct. Remember it was our own government (US) that set up and funded Saddam right up until he stoped doing it our way. Even after his fighters attacked and damaged a US Navy frigate we let him go with an, oops, sorry about that. It was not until the Kuwaiti oil fields and subsequently Saudi Arabia were threatened a few years later that we responded to the "growing Iraqi agressions"
How about that, it worked. Thanks for the tip

You misunderstand, I did not say that the USA only deals with problems affecting other countries. If its hands get dirty dealing with the world's nasty people, that does not mean that we do nothing but deal with the world's nasty people. I have no illusions that we look out for our own interests. My point, if it was not clear, was that because the USA gets involved with fighting trouble makers, there are lots of opportunites for us to get our hands dirty.

The USA absolutely looks after its own interests, I never said or implied differently. This has often led to us supporting "the lesser of two scumbags" and sometimes to supporting "the group we thought was the lesser of two scumbags, but they turned out to be scummier than originally thought."

It is the situations were you are not directly looking out for your own interests that seem the most pointless. Examples would include religious conversion such as the European Crusades (the ones spreading Christiandom to Eastern Europe, the ones to the Holy Land were more about conquest and killing infidels) and the spread of Islam into certain parts of Africa and Asia. Political examples would be the spread of the French Revolution outside of Paris and then outside of France, along with the concept export of marxism. Actions taken in the above examples were to save the souls of the unbelievers or to spread enlightenment to the uniniated. When someone tells you that they are doing something strictly for "your own good", sleep with one eye open.

I am curious about which "good guys" you thought the USA stamped. I am not saying there aren't any, but I would bet that these were not considered as nasty as when we went toe to toe with "nasty" ones.